
@Retsaot: And the Zune software is a lot better than itunes

@Alex2643: If you really were his kid and he pissed you off, you go to your room and fantasize about that, and then realize the inheritance (which even after all the money the Gates are giving away should be considerable) and do nothing about it.

@Mike Z: I've been using dual screens for 10 years with windows, I'm not sure what issue you have, but it's probably just a configuration issue (windows supports stretching the display or having multiple displays, that affects the task bar's behavior)

the season 6 pilot? what's that?

@CrispyAardvark: I think you get that with IE on win7, but then you have to use IE

@ManiacalShen: I'm sure custom ringtones will be added. MS had to make some choices and prioritize what they felt was really important.

I think it's better than the actual ad they were running where cops talk about how bad brown is for voting against the death penalty and signing a bill for inmate rights.

@jamjon: this was in Australia, probably not even an ad but an intro video for the launch event. The ad they're running is the 'using the phone in weird places' ad which claims that somehow with WP7 you will be able to stay away from your phone while saying "I Do"

@pmbaustin: well, not really. it's not in the same market. unless they signed the actor to an exclusive world wide deal, they can't really limit him from working somewhere else.

well, the cool thing about those ads is not the guy but the changes. here his just talking and then he takes his shirt off

parents will always try to stop their kids from having sex, and it will never work.

@c_cornelp: you can say that all day long, the fact is, when normal people will need to decide which one to get if they don't really need 3G, it's 100$ extra.

@c_cornelp: If one doesn't want 3G, the ipad is cheaper. not as good, but cheaper.

a friend told me it will be released in Israel on wednesday, 10/13, but prices will only be revealed on launch day

@cocomojoe2: I'm only responsible for about 5, the rest got it without knowing I had one...

Looking at the vote totals, the iphone's single model gets the most, but android has more votes overall. Just like the real sales data.

What's funny about this is that James Cameron said 2D converted to 3D is crap. He was asked about clash of the titans and said he thought studios trying to cash in on the 3D trend will ruin the experience and he was right.

@DirtyDogg: I guess Jobs couldn't pull that Xerox trick again

@DirtyDogg: of course, how could you have an app store if there's no smart phone to run it on?