
@Arfdog: I would not compare these mars movies to moon, moon was not a popcorn disaster-SFX movie

The built in SIP stack would be great. it will be even better if google voice didn't think my gizmo5 number is a regular phone number and kept forwarding my calls to someone else (what makes it even stranger is that it only started happening after google bought gizmo5)

@EvanSei the noise is strong with this one: This was a law Bush pushed through when this country was terrified after 9/11. I really thought the Obama administration would correct that. People are complaining about the TSA groping them but instead they should contact their representatives about changing the patriot act

I blame the flip for this

@superbad: I was gonna add that I volunteer to examine all women who have or appear to have breast implants.

@dhuss: the biggest success they had wan't their idea either, they stole that one out of 'executive decision' or other similar movies.

actually, I don't think there's anything wrong here. You have to realize there was intel about terrorist using breast implants to hide explosive materials.

Since the CEO of Apple is also the largest shareholder in Disney, I assume it's in the dictionary and when you type a name of another theme park it autocorrects to Disney...

@smithj33: manual updates? I have no clue what you're talking about. Now it's clear you've never even held an Android phone

@smithj33: numerous android phones? not, you haven't. playing with a phone for a few minutes at a store, or with a friends phone for 10 minutes doesn't count as using a phone.

@crazypills77: for me it's about routing, blocking and screening.

@SommerTime: Is GV even available out of the US right now?

@YummyCyanide: AFAIK, it doesn't use voip directly from the phone. If you call a US number, it forwards you to that number and just changes the caller ID to your GV number. If you make international calls it works like any calling card, dialing a local number and using voip on the backend to connect.

@QLAB: huh? you don't need an app to get a number. the issue was dialing out using GV and all you had to do is set up the phone numbers in your address book to include your GV access number first.

@drblair: yea, just like Windows and IE failed, eventually a weaker version will be released, in 5-10 years after they have 90% of the market and users have no choice but to upgrade to the new windows phone.

@vinod1978: I see those arguments all the time. They could eat share and get some existing users to switch, sure, but their thought process is getting the dumbphone users.

@Communist Pope: that analogy doesn't work. you can't compare a digital product to a physical one.

@VolumePlus: that doesn't make any sense.

@smithj33: it seems you've never used an Android device.