
@zelannii: You're talking about Motorola here, not a company that joined the cellphone industry very late, after most of the techonolgy they use was already patented (even touch screen phones existed long before they got into the game) , but a company that actually holds patents on a lot of the core techonolgy used in

@minibeardeath: IIRC, It's not Java, it's the dalvik code that Oracle is suing them for. of course, it's at the heard of the Android OS, so it will still be a problem.

I've used iGo since I got an IPaq smart phone with GPS. I had it on the iphone, and if it ever comes out for the Android I'll probably get it too.

Four months later, I'm still very happy with the HTC Evo. When asked what phone do I recommend, I suggest the Evo or similar HTC phones on other carriers. I had a Droid 2 for a week to test some app on, hated it.

@talkingstove: Just search gizmodo for the R&D budgets of the companies you mention. MS will be at the top, not Google (who bought Android, so much for innovation)

@thenewperson: Android. MS has been in the smartphone game a long time, Apple a little less, Android is the new kid, but he's growing up fast...

@vinterchaos: Or maybe the fact so many android devices are sold every day just makes it worthwhile to sue now.

@anderlan: Behind the scenes Apple and Microsoft have always played nice. Jobs made fun of the MS OS in conferences and Apple had lots of ads making fun of PCs but in the end of the day, Apple has been working together with MS from the beginning.

@vinod1978: Maybe that's what MS is after...

@gizmodocon: huh? what multitasking are you referring to? the thing apple copied from MS?

The worst offender for me is AMC. It's not the commercials being loud, it's the shows being too quiet. Both Mad Men and Rubicon made a style choice to have their characters speak softly, but the sound level of the 'we'll return to mad men' audio that comes in abruptly before the commercial break is enough to send me

@NotEd: If you google the two terms, all the results point to NY Times, Gizmodo and others who wrote about this story. It's like they're reporting a story when the source is another report of the story but no one has any real facts

Stopped reading after the kindle model reference. Microsoft has always sold versions of it's software for other operating systems. Just do a quick search on gizmodo for the new office for mac.

I'm from Israel and it's the first time I heard that name. It's actually not mentioned in the book and the connection has something to do with a plant that was used in those cultures. talks about thin.

The silver button will make your calls drop. They're just trying to lure iphone users over the WP7

Common, the whole thing is one big dream, probably taking place in the last seconds of his life...

I'm at the Pizza Hut, I'm at the Taco Bell, I'm at the combination Pizza Hut and Taco Bell...

@WizardsPajamas: Sure, that's why a lot of TV and film production has migrated over to it.

@hurbieta: Most people don't buy Apple computers, you can see by the numbers, it's HP, Dell, etc..

@neMouse: iOS has screens of 4x4 icons, for me it was annoying to use (everything else after that is up to specific app developers).