E Shotropa


I had one of these in the palm of my hand 5 years ago. But I passed on it because it didn’t have QUITE ENOUGH cargo space.

YES YES YES YES YES. thank you.

he was paying back previous investors in order to get bigger future investments, which is ponzi material... but his end game was to pay off his gambling debts. once his debts were paid off and his original investors were paid up (your first investors are usually close friends/acquaintances) his exit is to claim that

No bro. It was a joke. Whereas Trump and Ball don’t believe they are capable of failure, this comedian made a photoshop joke about a video clip


Bill & Hillary had a motorcade a few years ago here in Vancouver. I loved it.

Meanwhile back at the house, all of his wife and children’s precious keepsakes are submerged in 1.5' of water

Feigning ignorance is an impentratable argument

Floater, Texas Ranger

I figured it was because Art Briles found out that the Tiger-Cats were in Canada

We called it California Kickball.

*Demands equality*

The Vancouver airport (Amongst others I’m sure) has PRIMO parking available for Visa Infinite card holders. It’s closer to the doors than the accessible spots

How did GSI not make the cut?

How did GSI not make the cut?

DeValve took a knee because he was dizzy from staring directly at the eclipse earlier


Ohhhh how I miss thee


It would be amazing if there was another car parked directly in front of it