
My issue is that the “Gameplay” trailer is nearly a carbon copy layout of the one we got in 2013 for The Division. It’s left a bad taste in my mouth, and Ive got no desire to play it.

I mean, it’s my experience that every online-only game I’ve ever seen tends to get dominated by “rude white guys” so making a *Bioware* game always online is just bizarre to me when Bioware has such a diverse group of fans (which Bioware ordinarily appears to want to cater to) many of whom gravitate to “single player

Unpopular Opinion: I actually like Other M.

Anthem looks like a Destiny retread and the forced multiplayer makes it a no-buy for me. First Bioware game I will not get since the Sonic RPG. But even if I were into multiplayer games, I don’t get why everyone in the games media is losing their minds over it.

Nintendo really saved this years E3 for me.

This E3 has been meh at best. Sure tehnintendo stuff seems ok and I’m stoked for Odyssey, Xbox backward compatibility is killer and I’m always open for more Shadow of the Collosus but overall the show feels like kind of a letdown. So we have a remake of an old game, a bunch of old games on Xbox, and MARIO. Oh and DLC

Well you are simply wrong, it’s not. It’s lower class English not black. Yes there are black people who speak like that but as many if not more white people. Go and watch the film Kingsmen it’s that lower class accent. Hell go watch the film Alfie or The Italian Job from the sixties. You are projecting in a serious

Thing is, your non-native language sense needs to be refined, since he doesn’t even remotely sound like a “stereotypical black person from the neighbourhood as depicted by pop culture”. He just sounds British.

Yes, institutional racism is a thing. This ‘thing’ where “black people are too sensitive about race” is a direct line from the whites who are uncomfortable because they have to talk about race on someone else terms instead of their own.

I’m all about trashing the crappy crossover articles but this honestly isn’t racist. It’s about a road trip which is way more car related than “Muh Russia” FA spouts every article.

He was clearly talking like a generic chav, but interesting that your mind went to “black person”.

Well first, it isn’t racist. Second, it is about a person, driving across America in a fucking Mustang to learn about themselves and our country, sounds EXACTLY like something that should be on Jalopnik.

can you explain how it’s racist or are you just being a crybaby

To amuse you.

Talks about racism, uses a phrase like ‘...monkey that speaks like a black person..’

Agreed. I’m fine with cursing in the game, but it almost seemed forced. I mean, the word fuck, or some version of it, was used more than any other word in the trailer. Expand your vocabulary man!

I hope the game is a massive success. Trailer looked great. Less cursing per sentence would be advised in the final product. Alternatively, put Conker in and slightly increase the cursing.

Putting aside the guys’ personal views, I just wanna know if the game is gonna be interesting. Couldn’t care less about his previous affiliations. If the game looks fun, and plays well, I’ll be happy.

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it.”   

If his apology is honest, I’m willing to give him the benefit of the doubt and let it go. I think it’s not really that hard to believe that someone’s beliefs can change over the course of several years.