
Stop fucking worshipping idubbbz as some intellectually enlightened, moral touchstone. At best he’s a shock-value comedian who’s finally realizing the extent to which he can continue to scrape the bottom of the comedic barrel before his channel becomes as bland and mediocre as the channels he criticizes. His recent

It seems pretty clear that he’s suing the UFC and Brock Lesnar for explicitly disregarding legal regulations. Whether or not Lesnar would’ve won with or without doping is irrelevant; the very fact that this was not in any way a fair fight because of this breach of regulation likely cost Hunt not only this fight and a

Wait, what’s the diffe... ooooh.

You realize that was a joke... right?

I don’t think you have the slightest idea of what “presumptuous” means.

Just a way to say “community”. It doesn’t refer to an actual village, just the feeling of a close-knit, loving group of people; in this instance black women, but also women in general.

How many RARE games were you expecting?

Is someone not telling me about some minority of gamers who like to hold their phallic members in one hand with the other hand on their controller?

I haven’t seen one valid argument against the developer’s choice to do this. People seem to content to just keep complaining and running their mouth without actually saying anything of worth.

4 words:

If you’ve never talked about superhero/anime universes with your friends in this manner, with hilarity ensuing every 30 seconds due to the ridiculousness of modern story plots, you haven’t truly lived.

Its called a joke buddy. I doubt you hear many through you hearing aid, or the clattering of your dentures as they fall out of your mouth and hit the keyboard with which you feebly attempt to venture out onto the “interwebs”.

... Are they doing what I think they’re doing?

And this, right here ladies and gentleman, is what makes a Republican, a Republican: A huge sense of entitlement, a dash of “better-than-thou” mentality, a tiny pinch of conviction, but in the same round a gallon of denial/deflection to drown out any remaining feelings of empathy or regret.

I respect that we can agree to disagree, because while I don’t agree with your points, it definitely is a new perspective for me.

Regardless of whether you think people are trolling you or not, the fact of the mater of this: Being a young, black, successful comedian doesn’t make Trevor Noah any less qualified to speak on institutionalized racism than any other socially-aware African/African American, including someone like me: a suburban black

Ayy lmao

Maybe you can’t imagine it being possible because you just totally suck. *Shrugs Shoulders*.

No, it’s called Football in literally every country but the U.S.