
This is the only one that actually looks somewhat cool.

It sounds like this guy is just mad that Vaati has made such a success out of the same thing he does, and is trying to discredit him and bring more attention to himself.

Its like Japanese news has no color scheme at all, they just slapped a whole bunch of colors on the screen. As a graphic designer, that hurt to look at.

Now playing

But you have to know about Jack vs. the Bounty Hunters though:

If his intentions were actually noble (which I doubt in the extreme) why would he name his social media sites as if they were they were official pages? They should be saying someting that represents the Oculus community, instead of simply saying “Oculus Rift VR Headset” or “OculusRift Official”—>(REALLY???). This guy

Where is Unturned on this list??? Great zombie survival game that’s being constantly updated and made drastically better each week. Check it out

The only people who actually care about framerate are the people who don’t play a game to have fun because of the gameplay. The game looks beautiful and is a beloved franchise, and you have the audacity to bring up frames per second. Please stop.

Who actually still cares about COD? So many actually good and interesting games are coming out, and COD is still dragging its half rotten body out of the grave. Smh

This is amazing, I’m pretty excited to finally hear this. I’ve bought a couple games now I immediately regretted paying for in the first 5 minutes of playing. Keep it up steam; all you have to do now is censor the crapgames flooding the market; the same thing has been happening on mobile platforms for years now,

WipEout Hd will always be one of my favorite games of all time. The graphics and sound were amazing, making the experience of racing beautiful hover ships all the more enjoyable. The game play was superb, and to be honest, I think the series peaked at this game.

I would hire this guy. Best helmet in the picture tbh

That should be a game!

my weapon of choice

I would start running bruh...

Am I the only one who doesn’t get this?

Fair enough, but my example of the black friend was more someone saying it to his face and they would then lose a friend, and he would probably resent you and do everything possible not to interact with you. And, going back to me saying I could slap my friend if he told me a racist joke, I doubt that friend would sue

Yes, I do, it’s insulting, demeaning, and blatantly disrespectful, but I didn’t say I would slap someone over that, I just said I could. And slapping someone and killing them are 2 very different things, and those Islamists kill people even when they don’t make jokes, so no, its not the same thing. 404: evidence

Another thing: By saying anthing is fair game, you’re promoting racism, sexism, and alot of other ism’s, and in case your simple mind couldn’t tell, that’s not okay. Don’t get me wrong; as an African American, I love some good black humor, BUT jokes consisting of slavery, lynching, stereotypes, and the word nigger are

I never said I was offended in the slightest by your bigotry, i’m simply calling it out like I see it. Go ahead and live life like that, without the slightest compassion for someone else’s ordeals, acting like anything and everything is a joke and nothing ever takes it too far; the only person hurt by it is you.

No I completely understood, but the ridiculousness of the statement made me reconsider if it actually could be considered as making sense. And now that you’ve admitted and taken pride in the fact that you laugh at those jokes, again : 404: validity not found.