Well since they won’t clear my other comment here are some links for you to read. As you can see I too enjoying partaking in a little trolldom every now and again myself lolol
Well since they won’t clear my other comment here are some links for you to read. As you can see I too enjoying partaking in a little trolldom every now and again myself lolol
I’m kind of not surprised by this at all lol I feel like anyone who would collaborate on anything with Kanye is bound to be a hot-ass-mess lol Kim included lol
Her boobs are real? Really?! Lol
Get thee behind me Satan troll lmao 👹 see that combination of Satan and troll? Lol that’s you....
Smh how selfish smh yup I totally hear you I never expected mine to like buy me anything either all my undergrad loans are in my name and I found a program to pay for my masters degree! Lol so yeah I’m definitely not that spoiled kid either I just expected basic help like what she received. And yeah I totally…
This form of capitalism or phony free market economic system definitely destroys families and over emphasizes indivualism and selfishness and thanks for the clarification but I am well versed in history lol FYI
Yup smh it’s ridiculous they are making it so middle class and working class people won’t be able to afford the luxury of having kids and a family smh I don’t think grandparents in their 60s should be working they should be home with their families but this economic system we are in destroyed families and pensions lol…
Thank you lol this most definitely WAS the norm for extended families to like live together and take care of each other. Capitalism destroyed a lot of norms and replaced them with everyone beige worked to death lol ijs
Yeah I recently realized I don’t have the best mom smh I found out her dad helped her with $10k when she closed on her house with my dad (they are no longer together) but she refused to help me save for my house (although she was living in my husband’s parents building for free at the time). She also didn’t like to…