Roc Kit

I consider Ragnarok to be MCU’s Real Defenders.

No, but they might see political benefit to holding her feet to the fire now that Trump has thrust her into the spotlight. Even though the Democrats are complicit in this evil, I’m willing to see them take credit for a too little, too late resistance because that’s how fucked up everything is now.

Claremont introduced Logan’s romance with Mariko, and did send the X-Men to Japan, but for some reason they mostly fought Moses Magnum and Mandroids. Silver Samurai and Sunfire already existed, but I’m not sure if there were even Yakuza in Marvel before Miller.

Not that it matters much, but there is no doubt in my mind that “Claremont’s” ninjas are 100% Miller’s ninjas. Claremont’s (and Byrne’s) interest in Japan had zero ninjas before Miller, and everything about the Wolverine series Claremont “wrote” feels and sounds exactly like Miller. Miller included ninjas and a femme

Depends on the job - they might be well suited to something like Head Mime or Chief of Surgery.


I’m going to go with Zell Miller.

Specifically, the subspecies of troll known as sea lion.

No to that last question, those black and white comics were very specific parodies of exactly what Miller was doing at the time. Eastman and Laird might have lived their lives in obscurity, but Edlund would have invented The Tick no matter what, they’re mystically joined like Billy Batson and Carol Danvers, or

Not only that, but Miller is the source of magical ninjas in American comics, and if it had stopped with him, it would’ve been mostly fine.

To be this good takes an occasion, but she’s always great.

Nah, Batman can be pretty fascinating - he’s certainly the center of both Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Rises, not to mention comics like Dark Knight Returns and Batman: Year One.

I watched Pocahontas a lot with my daughters, and his double role in that was incredible. It’s not the fanciest voice work, but having that kind of chemistry with yourself and not having it sound completely fake (recording separately and sound engineering, I’m sure, but still) is a remarkable alchemy he shares with

...which then devolved into a completely irrelevant distraction over whether the specific Nazi club claiming him had in fact been the same Nazi club he had tea and crumpets with. Because news.

NewAroundHere has it right, except that the specific nation involved in this incident is Nigeria, not Mali or Niger. Chad had been helping neighbors (with our support), not fighting a domestic threat.

The opening animation is incredibly important, because it’s him and his father (not T’Challa and T’Chaka, as I thought at first). We don’t see his mother at all, and it’s very clear that his father raised him to think of Wakanda as Home.

Tragic villain is absolutely right, and I think the writers know it.

Okoye is less like the GOP and more like the Secret Service (and Jamie Lannister), and to a lesser extent the various bureaucrats and functionaries who keep doing their job. Loyalty to the throne means loyalty to government functioning and doing all the large and small things that benefit everyone in small ways, and

Where did you say he singled out BLM? Where you said “Obama had no problem telling a white publication... that BLM... are ‘stupid’”

Believers in inerrant biblical literalism (who are mostly conservative) actually hold this up as a reason not to trust science - “Every time a new fact comes along, they change their story!”