Roc Kit

Thinking about this all week, I’ve got two ideas:

“Famous family that you will NEVER hear of.”

I’m sure at this point that Trump’s a Russian bot.

GLOW and Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt are there for you, and they’re great. Yes, they do get nasty and heavy sometimes, but so does Bob’s Burgers...

Is she the patron saint of dried apricots, perhaps?

I don’t know, it doesn’t seem likely that Serkis would come back just to be a character that’s mostly CGI...

It can certainly go too far - Iron Fist comes to mind.

Crush the Frosted Flakes and peanut butter together with a little cinnamon, and just put a thin line of that down the omelette next to the feta. That’d work.

It’s okay if your son gets his dreams from watching Shuri.

T’Challa was the least interesting major character, but not because the writing or acting did anything wrong, he was just so completely surrounded by genius.

The thing is, in these movies they can just call her Shuri. It’s like with Phil Coulson and Peggy Carter - the actors made the characters, and they didn’t turn them into anything, it was just “Here, you’re the star”. If her solo movie needs a comic book name, they can call it World of Wakanda.


See also: John Kelly. In any other administration in history, these two would stand out as unqualified and incompetent, but here they are as good as it gets. Hell, Sessions might be remembered by history for an act of integrity.

Sure, but the movie itself works better ending the way it did. Duke’s M’Baku and/or Kaluuya’s Rhino Rider can play much of that role going forward, without constantly threatening to become the main character.

It’s provocative and slyly misleading in a way that reminds me of Coates.

It’s not about convincing the deplorables, it’s about keeping our own outrage prioritized as the Americans who still care about our country. We don’t need “them”, but we need all of us.

It’s important to be clear that this attack was a serious attack whether or not it changed the results. The 9/11 attacks were not less serious because the American government didn’t collapse or pull out of Saudi Arabia, Roof’s mass murder wasn’t less serious because it didn’t precipitate the race war he imagined, and

Alternatively, he was appointed by the Electoral College the same way almost all our previous presidents have been appointed, and it’s way past time we started holding an actual election for the President.

Mitt is a lock in the general if he can get that far. We’ve seen popular politicians shut out during the GOP primary, like Olene Walker and Bob Bennett. Even though the rest of the country sees Romney as the living embodiment of Utah, around here he’s a bit of an outsider and definitely vulnerable to attacks from the

There’s an interesting potential race here, if the Utah GOP can find its Roy Moore. Romney is far from bulletproof in the primary, he’s a liberal carpetbagger by a lot of standards. It gets even better if the GOP standard is fully deplorable and then Egg McMuffin and/or Romney runs as an independent. Fair Warning - a