Roc Kit

He still has a good reason to go after Fisk.

Ultimate Castle IS NOT 616 Castle IS NOT MCU Castle. They are as different as Basil Rathbone Holmes is to Benedict Cumberbatch Holmes, different characters in different worlds.

Thank you, you’re so sweet.

Occam’s razor applies - the simplest reason the journalist found fluff was because there is only fluff to find. The difference between Nazis and white Americans is trivial, and always has been.

I didn’t think I’d ever say this of anyone, but... he makes Germans look bad.

(Side Note: God Damn that’s a good movie, it’s seriously the Get Out of 1994)

In that context, it’s incredibly important that Lieberman is shown turning the tables on Frank through his countdown computer and knockout pen. He takes action when it counts, and if he didn’t, Frank couldn’t even be working with him.

Welcome to the party, pal!

Mostly agree but strong dissent on “Frank never really grapples with [murdering Zubair].” We see a nightmare over and over again in which Frank murders his wife in exactly the same way he murdered Zubair, and the point that Zubair is not only innocent, but had a wife and family is emphasized over and over. My

All of those characters are heroic in the sense of having their own motivations and own stories and being sympathetic in pursuit of those stories. They’re not nice or moral, but they are strong characters we can identify with, not craven cowards we have contempt for. See also : Walter White, Hannibal Lecter, Dexter

I’ve been blogging about this show and for quite a while now I’ve been referring to Madani as Agent Meanwhile (I also independently invented Senator Strawman but Siede published it first, I ain’t mad). Revah is doing a great job and there’s a compelling story there, but Siede is right on the money in noting the way

Yeah, Senator Strawman dragged this episode down in a couple ways. The way they set up a Rashomon that had his humiliation as its only purpose was just bad and weak and an insult to Rashomon rip-offs everywhere (even the lame Star Trek ones). I particularly loathed the way Karen and Madani got to have interview

As a team, they’re great. I have no interest in Kank sexytime.

That’s a comment that’s going to haunt me.

Sure, because no one cares about the Justice League. In comparison to the mass audience needed to make a film a success on its opening weekend, no one reads comic books. Any comic books at all, ever.

There’s a difference between criticizing a person’s work and criticizing the person. I think the “Prince Ruprecht the Monkey Boy” posts are offensive and badly written and make the world worse. I have no opinion on the author of the PRtMB posts, he might be a wonderful person who works every weekend at the homeless

...and Wolverroach is much heavier than any of the others- fair enough, I’m convinced.

The gun control debate is not a complete embarrassment this episode, but Senator Strawman is the right name, and he gets both worse and less interesting.

She was upstate that week, her third stint in detox.

Karen holds Matt to a higher standard, because she misses being the boyfriend of a lawyer, which felt healthier for her than being the gun moll of a vigilante.