Roc Kit

It’s not the same, not even close, but A.V. Club After Dark is still using Disqus.

The article is petty.

Two names - Christopher Priest and Ta-Nehisi Coates. Don’t worry about any of the other shit.

Why tongue? It’s readily available from a deli but not anything one would mistake for a sincere gift of food (although tongue is good eatin’).

Excellent example, thanks for sharing. Again, it’s not about personally having two or three thousand dollars in the bank - TGKH is quite right and relevant in referring to the dearth of savings among all Americans and how dangerous that is. It’s more like how poor white Americans and poor black Americans are both

True, but I don’t see Creflow Dollars going anywhere close to there. It’s a big leap to say that insufficiently wary women are responsible for being raped by strangers, it’s just a fact worth mentioning that “rape by a stranger with a knife/gun/fist” is relatively rare despite having gotten all the media attention of

Speaking for myself, I truly believed that anything that helped Trump during the Primaries could only harm the Republican Party. My only real worry was that exposing the fringes of the American Right would break the two party system. I never, ever believed that Trump could win in a general election. That’s clearly my

I took Home Ec, which was mostly sewing and cooking. Same thing?

Felt what way? Supported Clinton? Been a Democrat? I have no idea what McKinnon’s politics are.

(there’s a sequel)

I’m not yelling. I’m also not letting him (or myself) off the hook. I upvoted his original comment because I relate to it and sympathize with it. It’s the next series of comments that infuriates me, collected here for all your blood pressure elevating needs:

The picture reminds me of Aaron Moten, which I’m sure he doesn’t deserve. It’s mostly the way the monochrome evokes the Reefer Madness opening of Disjointed.

That sounds good, and I want to be clear - I don’t hate 5e. Here’s the thing though, once 4e had all its supplements, you could make a Warlord who from from Level 1 on never swung his sword, literally not once. Not as a “role not roll” decision, but perfectly optimized. That’s the Tyrion Lannister (or Daenarys or

That sounds great, and I’m glad to hear it, but it’s not my Warlord. 4e could make a Warlord with a Strength of 10 who never swung her sword. One of the very first 4e characters I ever made was a Halfling Warlord named Win Doubledown who was cheerful and impulsive and enthusiastic and could not fight worth a damn and

First thing I said to Cali4life - “That’s all fine advice” - I meant it sincerely. There is nothing wrong with living your life in order to make things better for you and yours. Doing Good By Doing Well is real, and I love it. There is also nothing wrong with hearing and speaking truth, and this article is truth. I

If you want my brilliant insight, I’m not much help there. I’m good at driving a bus, mediocre at arguing with strangers online, and downright terrible at coming up with original ideas that would reinvent the nation. Fortunately, I’m not the only person who lives here. I think Ta-Nehisi Coates is dead on right about

Search for everything with Kate McKinnon. There’s a lot online, and a very high proportion of it is gold.

Those are all fine, just leave the developmentally disabled out of it, they didn’t do anything to you and don’t deserve to be associated with me.

I understand that, Warlords were fairly dependent on all PCs having access to Healing Surges and also on the grid-based movement during combat. Streamlining the game to get rid of those makes sense, and I don’t know how to make a Warlord that feels right mechanically without them. Still, Warlords go a long way towards

You are certainly free to disagree with any statement I make as well as agree or disagree with the original article. I don’t particularly appreciate being personally attacked, of course, or any use of slurs against people with disabilities (fuckboy is fine, that one actually sounds rather pleasant), and I’m glad if