
Oh, that’s not the last thing. Just ask any ER nurse.

Do NOT trust anyone when they said they’ve been “called” about anything. It shows a delusional mentality.

Men like him are deeply paranoid about his daughter meeting the 20 year old version of himself.

Sucker punch and then the hop back/runaway. What a bitch move.

The biggest tragedy in all of this is that they probably won’t be able to find another white heterosexual ivy league finance bro to take Taubman’s place.

very cool we live with millions of fucking lunatics who think shit like this 

Too bad. Because when you mentioned the part about the dog and this hot mom, it sounded like it was going somewhere titillating.

I had a buddy in college who dated a girl whose mother looked like Joe West. She used to come home after work, drink beer and fall asleep in front of the TV.

It’s more amazing to me that such a well-researched and thought-out article made no mention of this.

This is a weird thing not to even mention in passing in the article. Seems kind of... relevant to his life?

Silent Violent Haze is also the name of the new Ben and Jerry’s flavor specifically marketed at the lactose intolerant.

this is not very encouraging!!!!!!! BE NICER TO ME, A NEW MOM!!!

“I’m kinda shy but mostly excited. And courageous.”

I agree. The lack of a minimum wage or workplace safety standards exploits the impoverished, but to legislate those feels paternalistic. The impoverished are just poor, not ignorant, and are perfectly capable of making informed choices. I’m not sure it’s up to “us” to mandate a wage floor or safe working conditions to

It’s Boston. They were already going to piss in their cup and throw it at the ref anyway

C'mon. This guy was a gopher. Both addicts, just happened that the famous one died


I was thinking that he looks and sounds more like a serial killer. He kind of reminds me of Ed Kemper. Though Blankenship has actually killed 3x as many people as Kemper did.

Agreed. I know that having a daughter really made me rethink my pro rape stance I’d held for my life up to that point.