“...completely unprofessional way to communicate the dangers...”
“Right now, all we know is that there’s a purported fire hazard.”
“We are investigating a potential quality issue with these vehicles...”
They need to sell the Puma here.
I agree, but no one thinks its a Lexus.
Just posted the same lol
Buick ________, fill in the blank.
I don’t think the Supra was improperly marketed. But if I’m going to pay BMW money for a BMW, it’s going to have a fucking BMW badge on it. The market wanted a Toyota Supra, not a de-tuned Z4 with a Toyota logo on it. Toyota took the lazy way out and then wondered how people noticed.
The big tube exploded right after passing 69 on Big Beaver. Made a mess all over the road. A real sticky situation. Good thing the barrier stayed erect.
Ahem. Fog, rain, snow, glare, and road spray would like to have a word with your camera-based safety system.
Holy shit, she’s white.
robbery of $100,000 worth of motorcycles
“a Hollywood-style robbery of $100,000 worth of motorcycles.” So... like 2 bikes?
I’ve always used flashers any time I was forced to travel dramatically below the speed limit on the highway (mechanical issue, running out of gas, thick fog, heavy rain) and it seemed that other cars were still moving at higher speeds. That seemed like a good way to indicate slow-moving travel to other cars that…
David Tracy car value: Get the total weight and multiply by the scrap price for steel minus 20%
Carvana doesn’t have a category for “More rust than metal” or “lawn ornament.”