
Only a Valor would get into Pokemon GO this much…..and as a fellow Valor I approve. FIGHT OR DIE

So, to clarify…..his parents are a "meh" emoji, but he's NOT a "meh" emoji? Is this one a trilogy like the Tetris one?

…..or a MAN

Role Models AND The Ten but no They Came Together?

Looks like Edgy Wild Wild West

looks like i know what i'm buying with my christmas money! *weeps bitterly*

Probably mistaking it for one of the myriad of other terrible mashup tumblrs AVC writers still insist on writing Great Job Internet articles about.

Kahn's 'Detention' is one of the most underrated movies of the past 10 years, so colour me stupidly excited for this.

Holy shit, Rockwell would actually be an incredible fit for this universe.

This is the best news I've heard all week. Carrie is one of the best actresses alive and Fargo is one of the shows of the decade so far. I actively squealed when I read the headline.

If you think his comment was a waste of time why did you reply to it?

i rewatched the birthday boys because it's hilarious and ifc are monsters for cancelling it

Scrubs season 8 is one of the best ones Brandon you monster.

business partners with thefatjew? is there a way to just give them my life savings?

They should just rename the Movie Review category to this tbh

I saw a preview screening of this at the beginning of the month introduced by Refn and Fanning. Fanning told a story about meeting Refn for the first time where she entered his house and saw nothing but princess dresses everywhere while the Frozen soundtrack was playing. She was suitably freaked out until it became

Well said. I wasn't happy with this season's Danny plot really, and if anything feel like the show has improved now it's over with. I personally feel like I'm the only one who really enjoys Jody. I can take or leave his crush on Mindy, but Dillahunt is incredible.

I'm not surely sure "people prefer stupid things to thoughtful things!" is an argument you really want to be making.

You guys gotta stop hiring all these Marah clones ain't nobody want a website full of Marah nonsense

We're still doing the multiple reviewers thing? Ok see you next year.