Sometimes people surprise you.
Sometimes people surprise you.
I don't. I find most brides to be quite reasonable. Brides actually get unfairly dumped on a lot in the wedding planning process. The bride in this article, however, sounds like a peach.
This bride is delusional if she thinks any of these friends give a shit in the first place.
6. If your [sic] only going to show up for food and alcohol and really have no interest other than that
Your problem is that you need to hire more wizards, then the stamps will be perfect.
She could simply beat the Elite Four with her fists!
not enough
Knowing some of your food has ground up roach legs in it is different than popping the whole roach into your mouth.
Could they make a protein powder out of insects? I'd eat the hell out of that in my smoothies.
There is obviously a hurdle to get over, in terms of the 'yuck factor'
I think they're pretty much spot on; at least for me. There's no way you'd ever get me to eat a whole bug. But if you crushed it into a fine powder and cooked into something I would totally be willing to give it a try.
This whole thing is kind of sad because Kim is just making herself look petty and is inadvertently boosting Nicki's career. She's so out of hand now that all that Nicki has to do is ignore her to come out looking better. I won't pretend I'm not biased in Nicki's favour because I didn't grow up on Kim. I learned about…
serious question: how is this being "racist". inappropriate yes. classist yes. racist? aren't there white gang members?
I am going to try to expense a copy of this book and review it.
Is it work at home? If so I know someone who doesn't like pants and is now in search of a job.
Poor girl. Taking time out of her day to make kids smile only to be mocked because she happens not to look like a Disney princess. Isn't this the exact kind of thing this site rallies against?
more kinds of screwed-up than a Mark Shrayber-reported porn trend.
"In Massachusetts, that tends to mean cream and sugar."
No Lilligant? Patricia, you made an enemy this day.