
Our local paper actually did a story on the farm that covers most of it.
I do genuinely enjoy the milking, cheesemaking, and soapmaking aspects of the farm, but the schedule is hell in the spring. Also none of us can take a vacation because it’s far too complicated for anyone but a trained farmhand to handle the 50+

As someone whose parents retired/quit the medical field and now run a dairy goat farm, don’t do it.

Our bus driver was the sweetest. She used to tell us funny stories and bring us candy on Friday (it occurs to me she could have gotten into real trouble for that these days)

The entire point of dressage is to make it look effortless. You get points off for looking like you’re “trying”. I did a little dressage growing up but I as never very good (my pony though as excellent— far better than I was)

My mom marrying my stepfather was one of the best things in my childhood. It’s all about finding the right person.

This!! My mother is a charming nice sweet animal rights save the planet type person who turns into an emotional and physically abusive person at the drop of a hat. To this day the sound of her yelling causes a visceral reaction.

It begins...

Exactly! Super frustrated about this.

I think she’ll pretend to try, which is even more disheartening to the folks who want change.

As a goat farmer I am qualified to say: demons who cannot be bound in mere mortal fencing.

I don’t know though, his hands are small :/

I don’t know, after a few more months putting up with Trump they might change their mind on the guns.

You mean the ghost storyline that turned out to be a tumor?

Maybe I’m not reading your remarks right, but you seem to be victim-shaming? She wore this dominatrix outfit a lot (and she talked about it), therefore she’s sexually promiscuous, therefore she was asking for it.

No but see Gyarados is water/flying, so any grass move is only 1x effective (grass is 1/2 to flying). I would teach it electroweb, this would be 4x effective (2x for water 2x for flying).

Not sure why you would want to compare Magikarp and Metapod, they’re both useless. That being said, Magikarp learns tackle at 15 now (Metapod doesn’t learn anything other than harden). Metapod evolves earlier at around 12, but a Butterfree will never compare with the might of a Gyarados.

Okay but Bernie is passionate about women’s issues as well, I’m voting for him because of that, but also because of his plans in healthcare and education. I appreciate how hard the women before me have fought, but I think their goal of seeing a woman president has blinded them to looking critically at the candidates

So proud of my town, make him work for his applause.

I liked her until the last two paragraphs...

My photo family photo with the kids last year was pretty easy— they were at an age where they weren’t too steady on their feet and were more occupied with biting each other than with causing havoc.