
Should I point out that Pete has a serious mental illness, and that living with a parent is maybe not the worst/most pathetic idea for an employed, single adult who struggles with suicidal ideation and other self-harm issues? No? We’re going to continue making fun of everything this person does, even though he’s

precisely 12:01 am PT, but... which day this weekend? 

Ad nauseum? Lucy Flores only published her story Saturday. And yes, we need to discuss this ad nauseum because it’s not sinking into people’s thick skulls.

Jan hooks and all of the very talented women from the late 80's and early 90's all come to mind as well.

Congratulations on leaving what is easily the most deranged comment I’ve ever received in my year of working at Jezebel lol. 

She paid $233 WITH INSURANCE? I’m flabberghasted at how utterly FUCKED the system is at perceiving who is committing which crimes in this story!

Janet kicking ass was something I never knew I needed. Also Tahani whacking people with a pool cue.

I love that Neil Degrasse Tyson seemingly has a one-sided hatred of Eleanor, and I wonder what she did to deserve it.

I feel like she’s ready to snap any day now if Jason and Tahani get any closer ...

She and Andy Richter need to throw down.

I’ll never forget it. 2007 in health class we were watching a documentary about sexual assault and some asshole bully started making fun of how gross it was and how the girl was ‘too ugly to rape’ and my cool stoner dude neighbor stood up and told him to shut the fuck up in the middle of class. Just wanted to share

that’s not a Kennedy, but rather an unholy union of Sean Penn and David Duchovny wearing Jonathan Franzen’s favorite shirt

Even if he fully supported Trump and/or Brexit there is literally no way in hell I believe Harry would talk about it with a man he barely knows, I don’t care who that man’s daughter is. Not happening...not today, not tomorrow, not ever and anyone “reporting” on it should know that too. It’s too bad that this man

I hope when Netflix decides to “Remix” this season, too, it’s just 22 episodes of Jessica Walters, guest-starring Alia Shawkat and Mae Whitman.

And here’s some audio from the interview if you feel like screaming EVEN MORE!

I used to run into him a lot before he got famous, and he was really nice to me and others at first, but became a MAJOR DICK as he started taking off. He had a reputation for just ghosting on shows and that’s just one of the lamest things you can do. He did that to me after enthusiastically agreeing to be on my show.

It’s such a toxic industry. I got out a while ago, highly recommend it. You’ll feel so much better once you’re out.

Lisa Bonet ate no basil