
I remember about a month before the 2016 election, a good college friend of mine insisted that her support of Hillary Clinton had nothing to do with her being the first viable female candidate for president. She said this as she, her 5 year old daughter, and 2 year old daughter were dressed in homemade suffragette

Straw-Man my ass: 4 Netflix Marvel series lead 1 blind Irish Catholic Male, lead 2 White Female, Lead 3 Black Male, Lead 4 White guy who grew up as a minority. That is what I was pointing out and I’m pretty sure you knew it but so it goes. You clearly really want a completely different story - you didn’t get it. Keep

A crappy version of Arrow season 1 is Arrow season 1. This was its own show and had ups and downs, but a consistent plot and pacing throughout it. Hate it if you would like, but don’t pretend the CW defecates Roses. (that being said the fight sequences in Arrow season 1 were much better than most of these action

Why is this the example people keep trotting out. I loathed the Ghost in the Shell abomination and yes, I do feel like Iron Fist is a white character and that is inherent to his motivations and character. I feel like I’m being consistent. The argument you are making I’m not really seeing.

Can’t tell if you’re just saying “It sounds too awful to watch, only good enough to criticize.” In which case *golf clap* you have just become the internet.

White guys in Netflix series was my argument but way to use a dime word for a penny argument.

And again your argument is “wouldn’t he be so much better if we took all the stuff I like and replaced everything else with other stuff I like”. You are a proponent of a different character, having a different story arc, with

I still just can’t get over that they didn’t recast Peter Parker as a lesbian giraffe. There are so many humans in these comic books - its like the authors hated all lesbian giraffes. Until both Iron Man and the Hulk are recast as lesbian giraffes I refuse to watch anything from the house of M again.

And comparing this to a movie that DID replace an Asian character with a white character is specifically the point. Danny Rand - the character this show is about - is white. His whiteness is central to the plot. It in fact IS the plot. The fact that this lost rich white child reappears after fifteen years with an

Actually a lot would. Him being the rich white guy and how he has to adjust and carry himself when he generally chooses to spend his time in the company and as a happy second fiddle to a typically financially desperate ex-con African American from Harlem. What you are saying is - hey, wouldn’t it be better if there

I don’t believe that the argument was white privilege doesn’t exist. The character’s dichotomy is that he has spent his entire life in a place where he was a minority in a community where he was an outsider and he returned to a place where he would sit at the incredible top of the pecking order and doesn’t really

Did you watch it? Is your only issue that there is a white man in a point of privilege? In that case its not art your are criticizing, its your own desire for only minorities to be featured - one out of four cis abled white men is an outrage! except its not.

io9 seems to be in love with smelling its own outrage at this show that sits at 82% fresh by viewers. Feel free to keep writing about a show that most people really like as if we didn’t like it, in the end its just your credibility.

It doesn’t exactly hurt that they had a 30 Million Dollar advertising budget and the nostalgia of the entire 90's Disney babies.

Fowl actually certainly can be overcooked sous vide, the meat will be rubbery if you cook it too much. Beef’s pretty safe as is pork, but fowl not so much.

BBQ my friend, finish it on a piping hot bbq and the skin will crisp quick enough and it will also impart spectacular flavor. Don’t cook it for more than 3 - 5 minutes though.

There were three recommendations and one is arguably a romance. Make your own list.

There’s really no comparing the fight mechanics: GW2 is just a far more evolved. That being said there is some great story in SWTOR, but from a “playability” sense, there just really isn’t a comparison

Rebirth is such a breath of fresh air. DC has a lot of returning readers and all it took was them bringing back the heroes we know and love. I wonder if this means Snyder will be replaced?

Yeah, I think you are missing the point made though which was - for those players the only thing left to do is to make the game miserable for anyone they can in the DZ and that is a bit of a problem.

That's kind of the point - he didn't end up there on purpose, In fact he was panicing about being there.