
I fear its pretty much the only thing they are leaving open. I mean really, would you care all that much if Eddie did anything else? I feel like everything else would feel completely justified.

Also Flash/Arrow staff, I’m available for contracting work.

So here’s my potentially awful reasoning for not wanting to see a Black Widow movie.

Her character is awesome. Its awesome in part due to not knowing her backstory. Personally I always find secondary characters more compelling in movies and tv than the protagonists (I love Cap and all but he’s Wheaties McBoyScout -

The annoying part of this is we all know Eddie will take a heel turn, its been layed out to us as obvious and man have they done a remarkable job of making him as sympathetic as possible. At this point the only thing that would make us see Eddie as anything worse than a kicked puppy would be to watch him brutally kill

Don’t forget the possibility of it being Pepper - paying Gweneth Paltrow the big bucks for minuscule parts has to be irritating the Marvel brass.

Maybe its Terrance Howard?

I don’t know whether its the writing or the acting but the only character on this show who simply doesn’t work is Iris. She is introduced to us as a barista with aspirations to be a blogger, falls into the uncomfortable trope of being torn between two men (both of whom have become far more fleshed out than she herself

My feeling is that instead of continuing this the Heroes for Hire AKA Jessica Jones, and Defenders series essentially will be treated as the continuation of the series.I just can't see (and I could be very wrong) Netflix affording four shows of this cost annually.

Do we even know if they plan or are considering a season 2? It seems like Jessica Drew and the Heroes for Hire and Defenders series are kind of extensions of the DareDevil show. I don't know that they will likely have all four as regular shows. That being said I would be shocked if the others do what DareDevil did as

Increasingly unlikely? I'll give you that trans isn't often portrayed except the subject matter is transexualism but it strikes me many bi relationships are represented in cinema (at least as often as strict lesbianism). Regarding transexuals seems like its been kind of the same bar graph of representation to me, its

I used to work in early education. The system is setup for many programs so that all teachers are fired in May and rehired in September so that they can collect severance over the summer - this is done to save money on paying some of the most criminally underpaid people you will ever run into.

Now playing

I'm a firm believer in space is too big and life is too short laid out in the attached TED talk....

I would argue that municipal internet at least answers to our votes where monopolistic utilities answer to no one... seriously, I've been on hold for two hours.

Sony is looking to build a Spider Universe, if you are going by the comics you still need Parker as the main figure - you can kill him, you can retire him, you can do anything to him after he's established, but you still need Parker to introduce the rest of the spidey universe.

Bad writing didn't resonate with audiences I'm not sure I'd blamer Peter Parker for it. That being said, I'm completely down with Miles, Jessica Drew, or new Gwen helming a movie, but I think in all those cases you have to effectively create the Peter Parker character (or at least the legend of him) to give those

The 100 Feels like it may be considered a seminal work on how to subvert expectations and standard story-telling tropes.

In the end we won't know until Agents of SHIELD is renewed (which itself is kind of on the bubble). I imagine we'll discover both fates in April and no sooner.

I would love Miles to be represented on the big screen - but Peter first. Always Peter first.

I think the setup for this was in this week's episode when Wells said "Of course not." to whether he would try building another collider. As Wells is pretty much a liar at this point that was the lie that will lead to the event that makes us some more meta-peoples.

My only issue is they basically changed the white guy to the black guy in the young, wussy, dorky white guy in an oddly throwback profession. Perry Mason would have been a more interesting change - Older, no nonsense Newspaper Editor who started in a world where black editors were not common transitioning to a world

Wait a minute - Crowley and Kevin? Did they bring back Kevin Tran when I wasn't looking?