
Bremen Long Island, an island three miles off the coast of Central Maine. No electric lights within three miles, few people, wonderful coast breeze. Happiest place I know.

Insurance as at its base level a gamble. A company is saying I'm willing to pay 1,000 more than what you are giving me if x conditions occur. Everything that a good company does is based on statistics and predicting risk factors. Saying these breeds are not covered by your general liability insurance (that is part

I appreciate your lack of trust in insurance, but all breeds are certainly not created equal. or the American Kennel Club will have the numbers for your review.

eh... pitbulls have earned their reputation. Doesn't mean there aren't absolute sweet as can be pitts out there, but they are the dog breed most likely to kill you. That's statistics speaking. But regarding "maybe the underwriter at the insurnace company got bit by one.", as someone who worked in underwriting it

Keep in mind not every animal is listed because its aggresive. The great dane is a really low key animal but I've seen those things trample children simply because they didn't know they were there.

"then Golden Retrievers would be banned, because statistically they bite far more people than any other breed."

That is as true as the sky is brown. The Pitbull Terrier and the Rottweillers account for 75% of all fatal attacks over the last ten years. They are not the most owned breeds either, they are the 9th

While the owner plays a good bit of the entire nurture side of the equation, I think if you talk to professional trainers they will tell you that there are dogs that are simply not domestic animals - this is specific to the dog and not the bread; however, you will find a significant number of those animals end up

Yep, he pretty much demanded that the show get made and personally financed a good bit of it. The more I learn about MacFarlane the more its hard not to like the guy.

You do realize the BILLIONS of dollars spent on male and female masturbatory aids is at times on the forefront of technology right? It fits here. I don't like articles about cars, but I deal with it.

This could very much be the "I have herpes" talk coming.

I disagree male and female is pretty clear. Its awkward if there isn't consistency, but otherwise its pretty clear.

How is female dehumanizing? Male isn't dehumanizing (at least not how I read it). I am ignorant as to how this is an issue at all.

I am no fan of the futball, but really that's just dick.

The Blue Marble Shrunk Away, finally.

X-2 is maligned mostly because it felt like the epic drama of FF heritage was being stripped for girl power and mini-games. I agree with you that there actually was good quality game in there but on the face of it there was a lot of j-pop and tween culture tacked onto a game that many of us felt was the first modern

No Mr. T!? That's a loss.

Frankly that was the best opening I have seen in a very long time.

I thought this was the best opening for an Oscar ceremony in my recent memory.

This is a very serviceable pop-rock tune. All the bands you list are servicable 90's bands - I think the point of Eric's post wasn't that this was the be all end all of music but that it did its job (which I agree with). Arguably that really is VH1's place in the music sphere as well. Its not the place you go to

You should be another articles on the emmy snubs. And if John Noble isn't #1 for Walter Bishop I will be displeased!