Now playing

Unfortunately I can't find the video on youtube, but the audio is at this link. This is the most pretty cover of the Weight I've heard led primarily by the Canadian Duo "Dala" who I have been lucky enough to share a stage with four times.

At first I didn't realize it was a glitch and was thinking "Best character EVER! Bad-ass lilliputian with an Napoleon complex is ordering me around!". I was actually disappointed once I realized it was a mistake. But Aric (the character in question) is currently my favorite companion so no harm no foul.

You have not regularly pulled 30 plus hour shifts have you?

I would love to see them allow you to queue for specific battlegrounds. If they want to promote the random assignment they can take away all XP gain from specific queueing but at least it would give us the option.

well metaphorically, I feel very "Rocky Road" with a side of bananas about that.

agnostic... I don't think that word means what you think it means.

I was dismayed when our guild was set on the Jedi Covenant server for that very same reason. As soon as they offer server migrations we're on that train.

Your missing the first time she says it in narration "he's the only black". Sounds even more horrible in context. Man, we have come at least someway forward....

Thanks! Normally I'm with you. This piece in particular just blows me away.

Now playing

Truly a wonderful interview, here's a little performance regarding a similar type of question.

Never has a show with a laugh track disgusted me more. Its just not funny, and every time that damn laugh track kicks in its like lemon juice on a scab further cementing its unlikability.

Yeah, nothing good can come from this. I'm inclined to think she's full of it trying to save her own skin, but even if she isn't lying by not reporting this she is still seems to be in trouble.

After Guild Wars 2 posted their character creation process that, to me, really did seem revolutionary in its ways of offering truly unique combinations of body shapes, face shapes, sizes, ect. this just seems antiquated.


I'm not sure why that's an argument for free to play....

Sveum accepted a job with the Cubs... a bit off there.

What you said!

kay. Here's the issue. The fact was, everyone within the context of the major cast DID know about Santana's sexuality. Santana was abusing as best she could each one of them and expecting their innate goodness to keep them from seeking any form of recompense. This is an action of someone who a. secretly wants to

Yes, but Santana was acting like someone who was untouchable. You do your best to shit on the someone publicly when they have your number you shouldn't be overly surprised when the number is pushed.

There is a bizarre trend where auto tune is "the hip" thing to do. Its not about needing it. Trust me, even if those kids couldn't sing a note a good engineer could auto tune them and make it sound natural. I have to assume its because its fashionable (although why I don't know) or its an EXTREMELY lazy and or