
nopers - Marvel already has Ultimate for that which they wipe out with some level of regularity.

The one she's not sleeping with that is.

I am shocked that you did not include the ever amusing telepathic protector of Nowhere Cosmo the telepathic Russian space dog!

Personally I thought it was a remarkable character arc for Castiel. I am really impressed that it moved in the manner it did and gave time and meaning to his changes. I have faith in the show and as long as I have some Sam, Dean, and Bobby or Cas I'll stick around.

In the states lobotomies are virtually never performed. Keep in mind they are just utilizing a horror tropes. People who are having issues with their mental health will find that mental health care professionals are generally wonderful people who can help you.

Because escapism sci-fi horror should really stick to respectfully stereotyping Gothic horror tropes?

As someone whose parents met at a mental health hospital (both insist they were there on payroll and had keys rather than being on the other side of things) this portrayal doesn't offend them or us. If there was a sign hanging on the facility that said, "Best modern therapy money can buy" well maybe we'd be offended,

My best friend is on his eighth failed attempt to quit and the blu-cigs are his new solution. Just from casual observation he smokes far more now around us and believes these give him license to smoke in my car. I hate the darn things.

Point me to any Sci-Fi series ever that did. Television Sci-Fi as a genre is most often used as a character study of how people would react to extraordinary situations - its about psychology as a science far more than physics and engineering. Even the books you quote have some great ideas, but they are character

depends on the war brother :-) He was pro-Iraq (first time) and obviously pro WW2. Wars of aggression don't sit well with Cap, wars to save people fit just nicely.

I'm with you on everything besides Jekyll and Hyde - psychologically speaking it was Id & Ego, and for its day, and the knowledge of its day, it was science fiction right and proper. The more we discover and the more we move from might be possible to impossible (skipping over the possimpiple) is when things make the

The 10th doctor retired and married her. Time Lord is apparently space speak for West Virginian.

Seriously, what accent can't he pull off.

Notice the way he says "Role Playing Game". Sound like he thinks its for people that dress in animal costumes and leath.... oh, well maybe we do that too.

Lame! Items are great, but I want content. The game clearly needs more things to do in it, not things to wear in it!

Really? Really? The delivery room is in so many ways the intimate conclusion of a physical relationship why on earth should the twin be there? Also, the way Jordan said it really sounded like I'm going to say I want you there, but I'm really not sure I want you there. Next twinny is going to complain she doesn't get

Also filter those issues through the experience and understanding of a 16 year old girl and this clip is sad, but completely understandable.

I've found Remy and Don have the opposite of Jack's reactions. When the ump makes a patently bad call there will just be fine seconds of complete silence followed by a "yeah... next up".

That does seem like an oversimplification to me. Charlie Sheen isn't a classic example of anything aside from a very very deluded man who has lost his grip on reality. I don't believe every John is a multimillionaire drug addict who hits woman and is even necessarily disrespectful of women. I do know people on both

I've read articles about this, but at the same time am reading articles about a sexual revolution among the women in Japan. While I don't disagree this behavior may be effecting a certain segment of the population, I can't imagine it is really as across the board as articles like this and others are stating.