
This is one of those times when BOTH idiots need to have their licenses revoked. Neither of them have an excuse to act like that. Definitely not going towards on-coming traffic. People in those cars can panic and swerve and crash just to avoid your stupid ass.

And the guy in the white car was about to turn.. ffs. If I was him, I would get out and express my entire french dictionary at a fucker in a piece of shit Mustang.

I don’t get it. It’s not like you win some World Cup. It’s a national championship game and it comes every single year. Why destroy your own town over a game? Those are your tax dollars, you idiots. Yes, burning trees equal to destroying your own town, that shit needs to be replanted now.

No. He invested his fortune so he can start his own company that should at least double his investment. That’s what businessmen do. We are yet to see what kind of effects on climate change it will have in the long run when it comes to disposal and recycle of the material. Nobel Prize in economics should be reserved

No, just fucking no. Nobel Prize should be reserved for scientists, mathematicians. You know, the underappreciated people who actually do all the boring, decade-long researches, while not getting paid shit.

It’s a Maybach S600. And that’s the president, so not a delegation.

Seats in the very back (no trunk space), with chances of a giant TV screen right behind the driver.

Is there an actual, searchable, electronic list of names?

Some keep them at their embassies, some hire professional limos (like PCNY) and some are old Secret Service cars. Rarely does anyone fly their cars in. Head of state of something like UAE just buy cars for their upcoming motorcade.

President of Kazakhstan rolled up in a fucking Maybach.

I have no problem with that. After everything that happened in Belgium and France, I say the driver deserved even more and is a complete fucking moron. Would it be better if they didn’t shut down anything and this ended up exploding? You never know, until you know.

“I’m officer, sir. I’m officer.”

Because many Tesla fans are just like Apple fans. They line up before seeing the product or using the product. Meaning they really don’t care how the car drives, they just want it for different reasons. This is how Tesla and Apple are similar, but Apple has shitload of cash though.

Did they say anything regarding all 3 looking different from each other? Red looked longer on video and black had different door handles.

Even if they do put in a screen, do you really think it’s going to be bigger than on a $100k Model X? They will probably put in same kind of screen you find on S and X, but slightly smaller (Volvo size).

Same model but either different options or 3 different looks to see which one people prefer more. For some reason red one looked longer and black had different door handles.

It’s not a final product. It’s a pre-production concept, so there is a lot that will change and be modified to comply with safety standards. That screen will definitely not make production.

One reason why so many CEOs are not doing the entire keynotes themselves. They usually pick someone at the company who does it best.