I’d rather wear my regular leather, tall winter shoes. Never had a problem.
I’d rather wear my regular leather, tall winter shoes. Never had a problem.
They are also incredibly damn ugly.
No idea. Probably doesn’t dry it all the way, but apparently there is a dryer inside. Hell, if you want, RR can put a thermos inside the doors (one buyer actually ordered one like that). They will redesign the entire door to please you.
No idea, but I remember watching a video somewhere that said it has a dryer inside. Maybe there are tiny gnomes inside that unfold each layer.
The cool part is that there is a dryer inside it.
I actually love the umbrella idea. If you are going to put the umbrella anywhere, why not do it somewhere within easy reach?!
It has a built in dryer inside that hole.
Yes, but it’s the people crying in their 20s about not getting same colored cupcakes as white students. Who cares about thousands of people dying. Black people want to be put on a piedestal.
How exactly are they being treated as second class citizens? I keep hearing this over and over, but not a single protestor can give exact examples.
Greatest generation in American history? Pass whatever you are smoking, I would love some. On a serious note, don’t ever call yourself as “greatest generation in American history” in public. They will stone you.
I say let them whine, only to be completely shut down, embarassed and fired once they get a grown up job.
I thought this was common sense? If you sell on CL, do it in cash and cash only. Everything else can be reversed or canceled.
I’ve actually seen a truck driver do that. Not one of those UPS trucks either, I’m taking about 18-wheelers. Cruising at 50 with a left foot out of the window.
He probably had to cut his hand off and burn it minutes after.
This is what happens when people talk shit too much for too long. Happens with every athlete. And this is also one of the reasons why people love GGG, the guy is down to earth and doesn’t talk shit after or before the fights. You have to respect your opponent.
Fallout would spread far wider than Syria, unfortunately. If Syria was a remote island, then yes, nuke them to hell.
“Why God waited nine years, I have no idea.”
$10 says that Kardashians will say that while he can’t recognize anyone around him, he can recognize Khloe.
Still can’t get over the fact we lost to Nebraska last week.
So can autonamous cars recognize flashing red/yellow lights? Emergency vehicles?