
First thing I thought when I saw the article, too.

We need a new console Fire Emblem, stat.

Less of an issue with all those portable MiFi-esque devices, too. I would have considered this a bigger problem a couple years ago when you'd be rolling with a USB dongle, but the market has changed somewhat.

I thought it was, honestly. Reminded me of the mayor's office in the first level of the NES game.

The last ammo I saw with wooden bullets was some old rifle training ammo. The bullets literally exploded after about 20 feet due to the high spin rate. Maybe they'd work better in certain calibers, but it's not exactly a plug and play replacement for lead.

*shrugs* It's a divisive genre. I cannot stand SF or MK games, but I love Tekken, SC, and DOA.

That definitely wasn't the whole roster. The leaked character list had something like 20 names on it.

You're not a leader when you come in third. Or second.

Not the best counter-example.

Um, my understanding is that they're selling it for $0, given that you use your existing devices for it.

Interesting? The article was complete BS. His "destruction of the Internet" is to cut the underseas cables and nuke the primary DNS servers. Never mind, of course, that there are satellites and way more redundancy in DNS than he gives it credit for.

You know what else is funny? The Israeli extreme left, to a large extent, created the monster that is the Israeli extreme right. They exempted them from sherut leumi, they gave them all the welfare they could eat, etc. These guys don't exist in the real world because no one's forcing them to exist in it; indeed,

Learn what satire means, and then once you're done with that, figure out what "intellectually lazy" means. You are clearly having difficulty with both concepts. (See how lazy and not helpful that response was? I'm trying to be helpful with your education here!)

You're doing the same thing as him: instead of responding intellectually, you just tell me you're right and I'm wrong. Or he's right. Or something. LAZY.

Expecting believing Jews to go "lolz, we're going to vote for something non-halachic so you can sin!!!" is just laughable. They will never vote like that, and do not delude yourself otherwise. YOU DO NOT LIVE IN A SECULAR STATE. Israel will NEVER be a secular state with separation of church and state. The secular

For Orthodox Jews. (Of which I am one, but do not agree with their take on life.)

So why didn't he respond to the more cogent criticisms? He wrote a lazy response to lazy criticism... that's not much of an improvement in my eyes. It's still lazy.

I totally agree that he had a point, maybe even a well-communicated one. I'm a married SWM. I do not have to jump certain hurdles in life because I'm a SWM. Does this mean I have no hurdles to jump, maybe even more than any particular GWM or SBM or SWW or whatever? Of course not. The difficulty level of a particular

This guy's response seems to essentially be "I'm right because I'm right, and you do all the legwork to prove my argument". Laziest piece ever from an intellectual standpoint.

"Moreover, Sony America will often send a refurbished system to you instead of fixing the one you sent in—and the refurbished system will often lack PS2 backwards compatibility."