
THIS MAN SPEAKS THE TRUTH. It is not THAT great a deal.

Yes, I went to this library. The selection of books was awful, and it seemed to be more of a computer lab for old and unemployed people. They even wanted me to RETURN my books in two weeks, rather than keep them as long as I wanted. They claimed to have ebooks, but the line to borrow them was HUGE.

You're fucking kidding yourself if you think this is only a problem with Fox News. Damn near every mainsteam media outlet does it, because sensationalism sells more copy.

Fun facts:

It depends heavily on what's in the picture (lots of information = slow), how far you're zoomed in, how you encoded it (tiles!), and what quality level it gets decoded at. Remember, 21k^2 doesn't fit on a monitor... decoding all the data in the frame isn't necessary to get a non-visually-degraded image. Also, remember

Also, "assassination" seems a bit too grandiose. May as well just say it's the oldest known murder... and that's assuming he was murdered, and not just killed in a war or tribal conflict.

I am unable to give you exact numbers because I think they're project proprietary. And why do we need lossless? Think scientific data.

Again: root cause was the Soviets invading Afghanistan. If the Soviets had not invaded, OBL would not have had to participate in the guerilla war against them. If we had not provided arms to the Afghans, OBL _still_ would have been fighting the Soviets.

Yes, it was totally the West pumping arms into Afghanistan that made OBL. It wasn't, say, the Soviets invading the country and launching a brutal decade-long occupation.

Yeah, I'm waiting for one more game and a price drop, and then I'll be on it next year.

RoF was pretty good IF you bothered to figure out the battle system. It was probably a little too complex for most people.

You weren't bullied, you were a repeated victim of assault and battery. This is what annoys me about "anti-bullying" laws - what these kids are doing is usually illegal already.

JPEG-2000 is also capable of lossless storage. Yes, that's right, 21k^2 lossless video. The frame rate is generally not very good, but try doing that with H.264, right?

This guy has the right answer. I do a lot of work with JPEG-2000 (satellite imagery), and it's astounding what the format can handle in proper hands and with the right hardware.

Not sure I completely agree. I could probably hand you an M4 with a reflex sight and get you reasonably proficient with only 8 hours of training. Rifles are easy to shoot with, he wasn't taking huge distance precision shots, and it's not like anyone was shooting back. Hell, if the accounts are correct, the kids were

Assuming they didn't randomly change course the second that this missile went up, right? That's why this missile needs a seeker, and that's why the USN wants to jam it. Hitting a moving target with a non-nuclear BALLISTIC missile is damned hard. Oh, and remember that carriers are pretty damn fast...

How does this "make it impossible"? Someone owns the rights. The rights can be bought back.

Living with Determination is AWESOME, especially given the context that you hear it in.

What, no love for the remix of Burn My Dread at the end of the game? Best damn boss sound track EVER.
