
Huckabee would be amazing. I've never seen somebody so completely unfunny. His jokes are perfect anti-humour.

Kevin's wife.

"'No'!? As god as my witness, his heart is broken in half!"

And, of course, Ms.s Marvel.

That was the Disney holiday special, right? As a kid I barely even registered it was kinda out of place.

I love Porygon Z, and never will there be a mass of merchandise for the latter two.

Gervais can be a real cock, but any time David Brent comes back I'm happy. Brent blowing a bunch of money on another terrible music video (Equality Street) is sadly exactly where I'd see him now.

Whoops, you fucked up there, too (see "both") because she divests herself of that role in the same review. Crazy!

I get that the in thing right now is to accuse anyone dissatisfied with something related to race of being a white gatekeeper trying to speak for an entire race, but man, you really fucked up on both fronts.

This is cute. I hope it gets a shot.

To be fair, they were mocking the fact that it of all things was more or less the biggest box office success ever (at the time).

That version of O Holy Night is also pretty darn great.

"The lighting and camerawork suggest a … reel …. film!"

Yes! That would have been so neat!

Though I don't entirely buy it, that's a fair theory.


I don't think it's a hill to die on, but there's no economy of attention, so I don't think lodging the complaint is egregious.

I acknowledge "Japan's" reaction, but why wouldn't I dismiss it? It's irrelevant to the point of complaint that Asian representation is lacking in America.

Discus Commenter Responds In Cleverly Parodying Way, Ignores The Original Argument That The Complaints Are From The Perspective Of Asian-Americans In Particular (AKA Not Japanese Citizens) Therefore The Opinion And Experiences Of The Audience In JAPAN Is Irrelevant To The Discourse On AMERICAN White-Washing

Congrats, you found opinions I didn't even imply.