
Japanese Director in Country Where He Constantly Feels Represented On-Screen Doesn't See Why Asian Americans Are Like "C'mon"

But does it use the TMBG song of the same name!? My god, I must know!

That was a Chuck Close one.

Chubby Checker is 75, so…

Same for the bathroom jokes. One can be tasteless, but when five people make the same joke, come on, you know it's lazy and unfunny.

Would listen.

Man Out of You is also in the Magic Dance class of musical song where everybody just HAS to sing along at the start. It's infectious.

Well, the ending to 25th Hour is a literal fantasy, too. It comes back to reality.

Lower voice without the Japanese accent?

But here's the rumor / Trump is in the neighborhood / and he's up to no good

Christchurch, that wordplay was An Unexpected Journey.

Perhaps because I forgot Four Loko was a thing, I never realized each can is only camouflaged to blend in with vomit.

God do I love me some Polysics. Even post-Kayo, as diminished (to put it lightly) as it is.

Have you tried changing lenses while wearing big rings on both hands?

Bad gimmick account.

As talented as he is, if the history of MST3K is anything to go by, the absolute last thing this show needs is a misanthropic, difficult drama-hound like Dan Harmon.

Sword and Scale is quite well done and its seriousness at least avoids the possible pitfalls of misplaced or awkward levity, but the way he talks about mental illness, especially going back to those older episodes, is pretty fucking awful. "Everywhere around you, schizophrenics and bipolar people are ready to strike

I think they're certainly not as good as Jimmy Eat World, but I would never, ever lump them together with Good fucking Charlotte. Yeugh.

Seriously. I've likely heard the name, but never more than that. I think living a life like his, especially including those last two paragraphs, could be the envy of anyone.