
Like Nightmare Before Christmas, I still really like this pointlessly merchandised for adolescents movie. I think I just like anything that's weird and not fully explained without being IN YOUR FACE MAAAAN like so many trippy 90s films. 1/3 is still something, Richard Kelly!

Came to say the same.

Both skills last seen playing open world games in the 80s.

Look, I know I won't change your mind today. I don't have time to research these videos (like… ), nor to point out why I don't endorse vigilante justice, let alone vigilante thought policing or assault of any kind, nor to argue why I believe equivocation of "thug" assaults on a minor scale

Even if these weren't dubious videos (one of which I know was confirmed by police to be politically unrelated), you're comparing a cut to cancer.

I really love Medusa, she really is the best
But when it comes to hair care, she really is a mess
The mess inside her room was the worst I ever saw
Because she sheds more hair than that lovable Lockjaw

I guess I assumed from the title that this would be an anti-piracy video showing the joke bad films that we'll be stuck with if piracy runs rampant or whatever. This is so much worse. Yeesh.

On Jay Rubin vs Philip Gabriel? I couldn't say much on that comparison unfortunately, though I quite like Rubin's book on Japanese, so that could bias me. In substitution, I will recommend this excellent, relevant New Yorker article about Murakami, Rubin, and translation:…

I haven't contributed to many, but I went in pretty well on that one. The difference in quality was astonishing. It certainly makes it an easier watch, too.

"Should I just… Cancel it?"
"You can't cancel your show! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA—"
*skips ad*

Because the review doesn't say, this is (not unexpectedly) a Jay Rubin translation. The translator is vital in how it reads because the words are theirs.

Read that like a Hall and Oates song for some reason.

Totally. The most unfair, inane reputation. Yeah, she's weird and artsy as fuck, but she's creative, funny, and made John happy.

It's certainly aged better than Vote or Die.

That's a bummer. She's the crux of one of my very favourite crazy anti-video game crusader Jack Thompson stories. From wiki:
Thompson gave Reno a letter at a campaign event requesting that she check a box to indicate whether she was homosexual, bisexual, or heterosexual. Thompson said that Reno then put her hand on his

I mean, Shogun Warriors were just imported tokusatsu and anime toys from the late 70s, including shows like Super Sentai, aka Power Rangers.

Just here to say that I discovered Sammus with 'Mighty Morphing,' became a big fan shortly after clicking on the related video, '1080p', and I'm hyped for this.

The thing about Hitchcock stories is I wouldn't be able to tell a real one from a bogus one.

Enough of these sickos in film, I'm gonna go relax and listen to some Lostprophets.