
Dream show: Colbert does a political piece opener, Conan does weird bits and remotes, and then a musical guest plays. We're out in thirty.

That never stops being incredibly scary. Yeesh, the tension.

Whoa… I haven't seen that in a while. Well then. At least he didn't go as dark as Brown was? Polka Party is probably best forgotten for a few reasons.


Idiot and moron aren't currently used as a pejorative for those with mental disorders, so no.

Also something about running over a chihuahua? Disgusting man.

Prior to another reply, I was under the impression Al was using a slur like "spastic" as he did because he couldn't rhyme retard or mongoloid. I've been informed otherwise. The song still feels like "if you don't talk as I do, you dumb" as written by someone who posts videos of correcting accepted-as-correct grammar

That's cool to know. It seemed so out of nowhere, so it makes sense that it was.

High school English wasn't as boring or pedantic as that song.

Here goes: I love Weird Al and have for years, but Word Crimes definitely makes my skin crawl, and it likely does for others. It's whiny and prescriptivist for no good reason (it's not even funny, it's just complaining) and it throws in "spastic" as an insult as an awful cherry on top. The song's sole saving grace is

I think people always disregard it simply because it's attached to the Scooby brand, but it's SO good. Harlan Ellison and Jeffrey Combs both appeared in the same episode as guest voices! They licensed the song from War of the Gargantuas and (I'm pretty sure unless it's a close sound alike) Assault on Precinct 13! The

What's weird about Bow is that she has the reputation of being the classic actor killed by sound (especially with the stories of being scared of the mic), but she was in plenty of talkies. The story of her just being terribly troubled by EVERYTHING is forgotten. Plus, her voice was more brassy and New Yawky than you'd

That's a great (and depressing) biography.

His hair was perfect.

Please, Chevy Chase as Lobot.

Or a television series. Kids could love a less gritty/sexy live action hero show that isn't a soap opera. Hell, I would.

I mean, this is a year old reboot of a 70s series, so it's not particularly new.

Scrolled straight past the pictures and article to say that Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur are super cute and I recommend the trade. Unfortunately, that's still the only thing I've read, and it ends in a cliffhanger. Bah.

If… and the other Lindsey Anderson films seem to be the ones he's most proud of, though he does seem to quite like A Clockwork Orange and Time After Time.

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