
Did his audience find him because of the advertisements his teacher did promoting his show? Because I bet they did!

Pretty sure he was popular in Japan. I've seen him referenced by comedians and artists, and he's on DVD there.

It's also worth noting that Bob literally painted the same painting at least three times for each episode. He first painted a usually higher quality one that would sit out of frame for him to reference while speedrunning a second version on camera in just half an hour. He always said "let's get crazy," but they rarely

I'm lost, what part of the song is taken from Don Quixote? I've never heard this connection before.

If they can hide his height, I want this biopic now.

No Voltron Legendary Defender characters? No Pidge? Not even Coran. Okay, I guess I'll go look at other pictures…

Too bad there wasn't also a theme song that explained in more detail anything the title didn't.

Which means they'll have their first female lead Marvel Employee Cinematic Universe film when Severin releases in 2034.

They did last time. There were like, forty covers, so you'd expect them to at least get some, but yeah, they did last time.

He got his Marvel cover last year. It was okay.

I'm intrigued by Go 8-bit, but as an American I'm worried it'll be a bunch of stuff only people raised on point and click Doctor Who and Your Sinclair backissues will get.

This hits that sweet combination of funny and deeply uncomfortable.

Over time, Era Vulgaris morphed from my very least favourite to my definite favourite by one of my favourite bands. But I only got into them when Lullabies came out, so who knows what my opinion is good for.

I'm just going to say something positive in light of all the CW2 grumblings:
I don't really read modern hero comics, so starting up this series last month was done on a whim, but holy hell is Ms Marvel phenomenal. That's all. I've only read through the first two hardcover releases so far. Oh, and here's a really cute

And I think it's fly when bad men die in the summer, in the summer.

That happens anyway. How many people can get crushed on the People Mover this year?

Ha, because Univision owns them both.

Exactly what I was thinking reading this, especially when they acknowledged her as such in the article. I love cephalopods (especially squid), so I'm still happy to see this, but come on, her actual species looks much more like her. can't possibly be blocked at their office.

It might be respectful, but he has no actual say in the matter. It's not his marriage, relationship, or life.