
No, that was awesome, 'cause it's true.

That's Chip?! What?!

He's licking his fingers! That is so unsanitary! What if he's incubating the flu?! Who knows where those fingers have been?

And this is why I read Jezebel. I haven't found a "women's" magazine in the past few years that doesn't make me want to vomit. (I do subscribe to Real Simple, though, 'cause they have good, simple recipes.)

You know what makes this even better? She's punching JOAN.

I do think that there is a difference, and that your original (more flippant) comment didn't mention one. Do I think that there are some people who will take advantage of this in incredibly stupid or wasteful ways? Yes. Do I think that this device should even exist? Not really. What I had an issue with was your

Clearly, you've never had food issues.

Given that the feathered demon babies are trying to PECK HIS EYES OUT like so many shiny bugs, I think I would probably be pretty put-upon, too.

Oh, TurboKick. I miss TurboKick like crazy. (There aren't any classes near where I live now.)

OKCupid is a perfectly acceptable dating site full of people from all walks life, ugly, beautiful, and everything in between. You're just mean.

Online dating is definitely a mixed bag, just like real life. I tried internet dating for the first time a few years back, and did it for a period of about three months. I had some nice dates and some boring dates. My experience really ran the gamut from one end to the other - from one date, I got date raped (partly

My mother died, and you told me that you needed to work instead of coming to the viewing so that we could make our rent. I believed you. Turned out, you went to see a movie with the girl you were cheating on me with instead. Then you broke up with me two weeks later, leaving me alone and grieving with an apartment I

Oh, oh, I love this gif.

I would love to send you some dishes! :)

I hate a lot of these people, too - especially those who stop in the middle of a busy sidewalk to talk to someone or text or somesuch.

If they're heading into man-hating territory, and need to be careful about becoming the thing that they hate, doesn't that mean they'll be turning into... men? Then they'll have penises! And maybe you can stop being faux-concerned at them to cover up the fact that you're a terrible comprehensive reader! Because

... I don't see it, either. What are we missing? I even followed the link.

As stacyinbean said, it is not stated that she was on any donor lists - this article (and the one it links to) says that she was headed to New York to get "treatment." Also, you have no idea what caused her to weight 400 pounds. Being skinnier doesn't automatically mean that you tried harder to stay healthy. My mom

You're so lucky. I don't have a dishwasher, and have been doing all of my by hand.

I have the same situation with some people in my family (and my husband's family), and this is an actually kind and helpful answer. Thank you for this.