I am both horrified and not surprised at the same time. And that’s awful.
I’m... surviving. A friend took me out for a drink and to talk things out last night, and that helped a bit. It’s intensely weird living in this house with him when he doesn’t consider us married anymore, though. And I can’t seem to make myself stop wearing my wedding ring, but he isn’t wearing his.
Hey, thanks! Just checked out their site and they have some great sports bras in my size. Some of them are even cute!
I heart Athleta. I do wish they had more stuff for big-boobied ladies like me, but I still heart them.
Internet hugs are actually a little helpful right now, as most of our friends are mutual and so I don’t want to badmouth him to anyone.
I keep hoping it’s a bad dream, but I’ll take a joke, too.
You are very sweet to ask, but I seem to be in a sort of numb state this morning, don’t really know what I would say...
Oh, frack. I’m so sorry someone raped you. I’m actually a recovering rape victim as well, myself. (Happened not long before I met my husband, actually.)
Ha. No. Thank you for that, though.
He didn’t want children, so thankfully that’s not an issue. We have a niece nearby (from his side) who I adore beyond all things, though, and I have no idea how we’re going to tell her.
Oh, honey, I’m sorry that happened to you. I hope that I can get to a place where I will see this is a good thing someday. It doesn’t feel like I will right now, but thank you for sharing with me.
This has nothing to do with Adam Sandler, but...
She did! She went to The Atlantic, to do not-advice-column things. :(
What the everloving HELL.