E. R. Torre

You said you would make 5 billion dollars this quarter and you only made 4.9989 billion. Dropping your stock price by 50% - Wall Street.

I love this movie. The book, not so much, but the movie is a feast for the eyes and the soul. For me the “operatic scope” is why the final segment of the trilogy failed so hard (and I love it as the wounded beast it is) as really, let’s face it, it is an opera without music. Dammit, Francis, Freddie Mercury was still


Still the action of a coward...if you have a problem with my driving, speak to me in person; I may not even know I did anything wrong! Damaging what is likely to be one of the most expensive pieces of property a person owns is fucking cowardly...this bitch should have known better.

There doesn't have to be more to this story. Some people are just assholes. 

Why wouldnt they know? You are using their app and they can see how many times a certain query was ran.

So since you can’t take the “they’re so slow” route, you’re choosing the “the quality of the building must be awful” one. Got it.

In a sense, I mean EVs are generally 0-low maintenance and 100,000 miles is considered middle aged for a modern engine. The real question is will buying habits start to shift. If cars will last 20 years with low maintenance/break fixes, will the majority of people keep their car for that long?

Tesla’s Shanghai plant is slated to finally open this month”

Based on what metric?.. by the accounts I’ve been reading they are for more reliable than most cars and need far less maintenance.

I have never thought that thing I said” is pretty impressive by the admittedly already high standard of bullshit to say in insincere apologies. 

“not acting in line with the club, who focus on moral values ​​even more than technical values​.”

It’s a me, Pedo!

They are selling more and now cars every quarter. They are rapidly building out a charging network, and service centers. They are about to start production in China. And they are about to start pricing their own batteries giving them total vertical integration.

I have a Model 3, and likely will get the update with Smart Summon pretty soon, but there is no way I would try what these people are doing with their cars.  I am astounded at Model 3 owners who put a shocking amount of faith in these immature systems. While they are impressive, they still have a long way to go, and

Losing what?

Model 3 Performance. It doesn’t have a manual transmission, but it is extremely safe, and very very fast, and is comfortably under your budget, brand new. I think you’ll be impressed by how fun the Model 3 is to drive. You can use the additional funds to install a level 2 charger in your home. Done!

You know what’s not a Mustang? A motorcycle:

Two corporations slugging it out, so electric cars could end up even better than ever since competition makes you sharp—works for me.

If anything, this has been a PR headache for Porsche. I’ve seen 426 million Tesla-Nürburgring articles the past week and like two about the Taycan. Elons tweets have almost completely overshadowed the entire release of an electric car from Porsche.