E. R. Torre

Watchmen is a property that makes money, much to Alan Moore’s disgust, so we will see that property exploited with other works beyond what Moore wrote. Moore himself is -to say the least- a prickly guy and I’m not really in his corner for much of what he’s said and done following leaving DC (I feel he is a rather huge

I think its good that we are seeing comic book people doing stuff that’s theirs and often providing a complete beginning-middle-end story.

Thing is about Manga books, unlike the US superhero market, is that most of the series are finite and started, and ended, with a certain/same creative cast start to end.

This is indeed true, especially with markets other than the United States though I’m not sure how the numbers are within this country. They well could be higher at this point as I’m not as aware of the sales figures across the various comic book series!

I feel sad whenever I think about comic books in the U.S. in particular because it feels like audiences have gotten stuck on the superhero genre to (almost) the exclusion of most everything else... at least when it comes to sales.

One wonders if maybe this relationship played a role in Donner and Mankiewicz ultimately being fired... if maybe Lester wasn’t too pleased with things Donner was doing and perhaps was closer to the Salkinds and stating his displeasure... and they listened.

You had comics that wanted to have a “rough” edge to them and present questionable “heroes” doing questionable things and like too much stuff out there, it became boring pretty quickly.

This was indeed the main problem with Lester. He didn’t seem to “get” what Donner and company did with Superman and decided to go his way.

It was the golden era of psychotic heroes and one of the first post Dark Knight stories featuring Superman and Batman, I recall (though I couldn’t say which issue of what series it was in, only that I believe Kieth Giffen was the writer and possibly also the artist) had the two characters being total enemies... at

Frankly, I’m still a little pissed at the way the character of the Peacemaker has veered so wildly from the way he was originally presented way back in the Stone Age when he first appeared in the Charlton books. Frankly, I preferred that version of the character even if he might be more of a “boring” pseudo silver age

Interestingly enough, I read an article (and I can’t find it now) that states Fiege wants people to write for the Marvel movies that aren’t fans of/readers of Marvel books.

I’ve said this before, but I sense a deep cultural divide between Marvel and DC’s movie divisions. The people who make the Marvel movies, or at least the first wave or so of Marvel movies, like Feige, Whedon, and Gunn, were obviously Marvel fans when they were kids and grew up reading the comics. (Even Kenneth Branagh

Affleck is not a bad Batman. The problem is that the filmmakers could never really find a consistent tone for the character. He’s a Miller-like psycho in BvS and a more traditional version in the other films. It almost feels as if he’s playing different characters.

I think Affleck is ok as Batman, but I think he makes an excellent Bruce Wayne.

Since Batman V Superman, Warner Bros. has decided that Affleck’s Wayne was the DCEU’s version of Downey’s Stark. He’s the character you throw in to juice things up, to remind the audience that all of these movies are supposed to be connected. The problem is that while Downey’s appearances tended to do exactly that,

a note that the issue of how to integrate Batman into this movie was apparently a problem.”

Seen the movie twice, Ilsa is not dead.

Not going to lie, I choked up when I saw the headline popped while at work. I’m 41, my formative years includes so many great memories of Tina. Not to mention, the start of a healthy appreciation for legs and boy did Tina have a great set of legs! 

TT was so familiar and well known back in the day, it was a bit jarring to see her in that role. Kind of like if Taylor Swift starred as the bad guy in a Bond movie or something.  That feeling was lessened when I watched the movie recently.

I liked really like Fury Road despite it’s faults. I just bought the 4 movie set on dvd at Walmart for like $8.