E. R. Torre

Then can you explain why Autolist survey had the Model S beat the Taycan? With #1 reason being brand?

Just buy the Tesla already. You won’t regret it.

I’ve been hearing of Tesla competition and Tesla killers from Chevrolet, Kia, Hyundai, Jaguar, Mercedes and now add Porsche to that list and you know which of them has managed to actually compete not to let alone surpass Tesla? NONE. ZERO!

But thate $90k variant will compare even worse with a P100D or even Model 3 Performance.

I live about 15 miles from the Tesla plant. Its in operation 24/7, 365 days a year and so far has produced over 750,000 cars. There are actual people working there too. So pray- tell me why its not a “real” company? Its more of a “real” company than Porsche, which makes cars for douchebags and now shows us a 200k car

I agree with david totally. Even forget about the value aspect, what does the porsche offer for bragging? Nothing. Battery size-no. Range-no. Even 0-100 a BIG NO. Only styling is the plus. 

I think both of you are correct, with maybe Torch having a (cynical yet probably realistic) slight edge. I mentioned this on the original Taycan post.. but if I’m making $250k a year.. then that extra $70k for (on paper) less performance and way less range matters to me. If I’m making $2.5M a year.. then I’m buying

The Tesla 3 backup key is just a credit card sized card. Easy to fit in the wallet or purse. All the folks I know with Teslas (mostly male engineers) keep the spare on them.

Tesla could not make it easier to carry a key for the Model 3.  It fits in any wallet or purse.  Not carrying one is stupid.

Why are we shouting that Tesla “let” the driver do anything? Is the licensing process for operating these machines that meaningless now? As someone licensed for the privilege to drive cars on public roads (yes, it’s a privilege and should be regarded as such) everyone should be fully aware of their responsibilities

The Division Championship year was good. The Zach Thomas/Jason Taylor era was fun. The first few Wildcat games were a blast.

That ‘85 MNF game against the previously-undefeated Bears was pretty sweet, too.


Then Superman comes in ...

I never realized this was the stRmaker for him. I was only born in 72, so he’s just always been Hollywood royalty. Thought he was a star in barefoot in the park too. Always liked that movie. All his early movies are Gems. I even like his first, Inside Daisy Clover. And I love when he “turns down the wattage” for

That is such a great poster! It doesn't hurt that Iove the movie. 

Just a random thing that popped into my head since you mentioned the McQueen/Newman rivalry, it’s interesting to me that both of those guys, who filled a VERY similar role in Hollywood, were also hugely into racing cars. What a weirdly specific hobby for two guys who must have competed for a lot of roles.

I think it could have worked with McQueen if he played it similarly to his Magnificent Seven character (with a little Great Escape mixed in). That character was obviously a deadly gunslinger, but goofy enough to banter.

Two bits of trivia: Steve McQueen was pursued for the lead role in the 1978 Walter Hill directed film The Driver

From IMDB (so it must be true):