
Surely that should have started with "OK GOOGLE..."

But that's not how it's presented is it? You don't see much of "oh we just want to see more nuanced and varied depictions" until someone calls out the haters on their uncomfortable resemblance to the Moral Majority and the PMRC and then suddenly it's time to soften the tone and move the goalposts. But you know damned

no i am not really kidding . i respectfully disagree that comic books and video games get the same treatment as other forms of media.

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"If Marvel released an X-Men cover of naked Emma Frost scissoring Jean Grey, choosing not to buy it wouldn't somehow make it okay."

PlaidNinja-san, I don't agree with that. Men are sexualized constantly in media. It's just that there isn't a movement pushing back on this (nor should there be). There are movies, commercials, and books every year that portray men in a way that is sexually pleasing to the typical female.

I honestly don't know anyone who is against political, social, and economic equality for the sexes/genders.

I'm sure you're earning massive points with your better half with your oh my heavens fainting couch clutch-the-pearls article about things that are make-believe. Keep fighting for the rights of those fictional women, you hero you!

ApplePay: Exactly the same as Google Wallet, years later, but first and innovative somehow.

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When professional a-hole Maddox out reasons io9, you know the world is in trouble. He tears apart Rob Bricken's position earlier this week. Elle magazine comes out looking pretty dumb, too. 2:27 makes everyone look like idiots.

You have done an amazing job of proving you have no idea what you're talking about. None. Zero. If we could quanitfy your understanding of the situation, it may be a negaive number. Spider-man is drawn like that ALL THE TIME. Before you make the claim that male characters are never placed in the same pose or

I find it interesting how many articles on gawker have prominently displayed or linked back to this 'horribly sexualized' spiderwoman pose. There comes a point where possibly valid social critique becomes just another pandering click bait opportunity. In essence, gawker's endless trotting out of the prone red butt is

People are still complaining about this..?

Oops, late to the party. Glad I'm not the only one, though. If all the people faking outrage at this stuff, got together and used their energy on, I dunno..providing clean drinking water for a Third World country or protesting against genuine human rights issues or something, maybe the world would be a better place,

I invite you to visit a sports blog or message board.

The problem? Shes 'discussing' a very touchy subject. If you dont agree with her youre automatically a sexist and a bigot. Thats my issue. She doesnt debate anything, she shoves blame onto something, rants about how stupid it is and how bad women have it and then thats that. She isnt open for discussion, her

See, this bugs me quite a bit. Back when she released her first video, I felt there were some problems with it, so, as best I could, I explained why I felt that way. People chose to take it as "concern trolling," and much, much worse. Her defenders, at the time, remind me of the same people who attack and deride her.

Anime Hipster.

Yeah, this is bullshit and it's always been bullshit. It's cute, but ultimately meaningless.