
Well my apologies for some of my defensive replies. I'm going to give you a reply on why I think the way sexism in comics and video games is being called out is being done in the wrong way and why I believe there's such a pushback from parts of the culture against it. I don't think most comics readers, writers,

So anyone that disagrees with you is sexist?

And for video games, comics, etc everyone but the main character is a prop, both female and male. So anyone but the main character is objectified, because everyone else is just the means to an end.

Well then I have nothing to add, there are people that have issues with the erotic comic genre in general and don't have issues with the content in romance novels. This inconsistency is what bothers me. To the same extent there are people that don't like how women are drawn or objectified in comics books, but they

I think the intention in writing blogs such as this is a self serving purpose, to look good to females, to obtain their approval, and showing support for their cause is just a side effect of wanting that approval. The intention for rescuing a woman in a story whether it's comic, video game or otherwise, is to show

FYI on the rap/hip-hop genre of music, that music specifically objectifies women, in ways that are far worse than comic books, but I'm sure you'll find many people that are offended by sexism in comics defend the sexism in music using many of the same arguments that they debase when people defend comics. (It's art,

Comics turn everyone into objects, both men and women really. To objectify: "degrade to the status of a mere object." That would be anyone but the main hero/heroine or villain/villainess, because, except for them, everyone else is just an object for them to get to their goal, whether it's defeating the villains and

I think most blogs have been claiming that the Spider Woman pose is physically incorrect, even an earlier article on this site said it was as well once. Not that I agree, I'm not an artist, nor am I very well versed at the human figure to tell you what it's possible for a person to do, but some people claim they can.

Every other medium? You mean like music with all that they sing and rap about from almost every genre? Or movies where males still take most lead roles?

You can say I misinterpreted what you said, but I'm not sure how you could call me sexist based on anything I said in that statement. You said context is important, context includes not only content, but also who that content is being aimed at and romance novels are aimed at a mostly female audience. Now perhaps I'm

So Romance books are marketed towards women and read mostly by women, so it's ok for them to write what they want?

You know what I find interesting, all these people that want to be knights in shining armor, last I checked according to Anita Sarkeesian that was a sexist trope (at least in Video Games) because it was saying women couldn't defend themselves or something similar. So if it's an article defending women it's ok, if it's

So you saw it as an animal in heat, because I didn't see it that way, but then art has always been more about interpretation.

Not just the covers, but I'd say the contents written within sexualize them a lot too.

I have learned the word for detective and murder thanks to Detective Conan.

I used Airtreks back in 2008, and it was helpful for booking a trip from the US to Australia and the Philippines, but I think I could have done it myself for a lower price. I think the advantage that Airtreks offers is their specials:… These seem to be very low priced for the

I've even been to the Philippines, and they have small msg containers in their kitchen so they can just add it when they cook as needed (about the size of a salt shaker). I believe they use it to enhance flavors, but as far as I know, they aren't having any health related issues because of their MSG consumption.

My mother has migraines that are triggered by MSG too. Yes anecdotal evidence, but it's happened for as long as I can remember (30+ years). But on that note I had a friend that would also get migraines, she thought it was because of MSG, but it ended up being because of grilled onions somehow (or something similar to

Ok on that note then, I have read that there are females that like his work. And is it his art that objectifies women or the situations he puts them in? Also what are your thoughts on Julie Bell and Boris Vallejo? They too draw in a style that some might consider erotic.

Well I saw all the pictures of spider-man's asses posted throughout here and I think somewhere someone made the argument that all superheroes seem to wear body paint regardless of the gender, because all the muscles seem to stand out in a way that would not normally happen, even when wearing spandex.

But yes this was

Perhaps I misunderstood what you meant by male masturbation, are you saying he draws comics that include males masturbating or are you saying his comics are for males that like masturbating?