
I think it’s lovely to have male friends, and if they comprise a majority of your friends, that’s not a good thing or a bad thing. It’s just a thing. But given how you characterize female friendships, I’d just ask you consider this point here:

I’ve done some work in WV, and it’s really the same there in coal towns. It feels like a cultural thing to me as much as an economic one.

Agreed. I feel a great deal of empathy for infants - and their parents - on planes. I don’t feel empathy for bratty kids who are 5 years old. Especially when they are sitting behind me and kicking my seat.

Trump will ALWAYS have support from 1/4 to 1/3 of voters. He could call a press conference to do nothing but talk about how moronic his supporters are, announce he’s actually in a same-sex relationship with Vladimir Putin, and that all this time, he himself has actually been an undocumented Mexican immigrant and his

“This whole ‘sisterhood’ this whole ‘let’s go march for women’s rights,’ just constantly talking about what women look like or what they wear or making fun of their choices or presuming that they’re not as powerful as the men around.”

I’m definitely putting the term “vagina screecher” on my sign at the next women’s march, whenever that may be. In the meanwhile, I’m resolved to work the phrase into more conversations, just as a way of greeting my friend. Kinda the new, “Hey, girl!” “Hey, vagina screecher!”

Agree. It’s an important message, but I was really distracted the whole time by the very obvious prosthetic mask.

That’s just tacky. At my grandfather’s funeral, we kept it to the appropriate and tasteful baker’s dozen.

I’m a fan of the idea of a march but the current date - January 21 - is so unbelievably ill-conceived. Aside from the fact that no one who comes will actually be able to find a hotel they can afford - Inauguration rates went into effect on November 9 - the multitude of police forces in DC were never going to issue a

I would have so much more respect for Mariah Carey if the only two foods she ate were chimichangas and nutella.

If the only people in the U.S. who could vote where those who had all 4 grandparents born here, Donald Trump couldn’t vote. Nor could any of his spawn. Or for that matter, his grand spawn.

WTF was the Paul thing. That was not cute, that was terrible.

It’s hard for me to get the rationale behind hating Lorelei and Rory for being obnoxious and entitled, and loving Logan, who is essentially the same, but with a big, fat, bank-account to up the entitlement factor. As I’ve re-watched season 5-7 over the years, I’ve been able to come to a peaceful accommodation of him

The very suggestion that Republicans would ever impeach a Republican is laughable. If people are counting on that they are going to be woefully disappointed.

I have a ton of respect for the title Decaying Jack O Lantern, so I have no idea what you are talking about. Though I’m partial to Man-Sized Ass Cyst myself.

She has a home in one of the wealthiest towns in the U.S. and a penthouse in NYC. Its easy say the choice before us didn’t matter when actually it just didn’t matter to YOU, Susan.

Blah, blah, blah...political correctness....blah, blah, blah...libtards....blah, blah, room talk.

Yours and Mother Teresa’s.

I could live my whole life without hearing Newt Gingrich say “you are fascinated by sex,” to anyone, ever again.