
Yeah mine is factory exhaust as well and there is a deep auditory satisfaction when getting up to freeway speed lol. Maybe he’s talking about the giant oilcan exhausts every 17-18yr old kid puts on their Civic? GD those things are fucking annoying.

“And I get a fresh whiff of “no thanks” about the Infiniti brand every time some brojack in a slammed G35 cuts me off and makes me listen to that ghastly rasp of an exhaust that probably sounded so dope in 2004.”

Yeah! I mean like, Lehman Brothers was being shackled by that totally unfair bank leverage ratio! 30-1 leverage for all!

I don't see how that's true

Because he’s every new-money, inconsiderate, “look-at-me”,flat-biller, douchebag who can’t figure out that A) he’s not the centre of the universe, B) girls are not his to smack around, and C) it is NOT ok to wear a ball cap, ripped jeans, and DCs to a nice restaurant.

Bro Diesel Trucks, all of them. If you roll coal, you’re getting a fist sandwich.

Except that it’s not possible on surface streets AND it reduces the road’s carrying capacity by half, blocks access to turn lanes, or results in blocking access to the through lane because an insufficient number of cars can get into the turn lane.

Other than engine sound (of which there are plenty of crappy ICE in that department) and charge rate, there is nothing inherently soul sucking about electric motors....quite the opposite in fact.

I don’t know how you can say the Model S isn’t cool, it’s a seven seat sedan with a lift-back that can hit 60 in 2.8 seconds.

Actually, if you did some research into air quality in the Los Angeles basin from 1948 (the smoggiest year on average) to 2008, you will see astonishing improvements in every category.

Yeah, and if you believe that I’ve got some WMD’s in Iraq to sell you. I would consider being called a liar a step up from what the alternative is for you, moron.

So what is your strategy? War with Russia? NATO is staying completely out of the Middle East simply because of the mess Bush made, it’s unpredictable because of all the damage done. There is no rational reason to begin combat operations in Syria.

Religion gave them the same thing it always gives the underclasses - a fairy story that tells them to STFU and take it, they’ll get their reward eventually.

You get to come out of the greys and explain this to me. 5,000 American dead, over 250,000 Iraqi dead, worldwide terrorism spawned by a failed policy to “liberate” people, flat out lies in the UN on chemical weapons, a good patriot (Colin Powell) being used as a stooge.

The world will be a safer place when that guy is dead.

Good news!

You know that zit you sometimes get in your middle back that you generally forget about unless the the damn thing

This one isn't so bad...I will mail my Jalop card in for saying that...but I really don't mind the Japanese/science/future look of this thing.