If calling “advocating for the inclusion of everyone into society no matter their sexuality” is less like a truism to you, and more like a topic in need of debate, then no, I don’t want you on my soccer team, either.
If calling “advocating for the inclusion of everyone into society no matter their sexuality” is less like a truism to you, and more like a topic in need of debate, then no, I don’t want you on my soccer team, either.
You’re right, there’s no way he could’ve taken a team of nobodies within a possession of the Final Four back when he was college.
This is a marvelously underrated comment.
To be fair, Chelsea’s team itself also got themselves run out of that stadium with some speed.
Man, it’s a shame those old Cavs teams with Price, Nance, and Daugherty never had a chance to get on a huge playoff run.
Finn Dommed
What the hell happened there?
I’ve found the German n/a’s to be much more flavorful and thoughful than their American counterparts, but that’s me.
He also arranged Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition” for orchestra, which kicks so much ass.
I can’t believe it was this easy to find:
It always fucks me up to remember that the Bulls won their first title BEFORE Magic retired.
Carrion Crawler/The Dream is the best OCS release and it’s not really close.
Update: he’s taken poison.
The Cavs still have the Nets’ 1st-rounder this year from the Kyrie trade, right? And it’s unprotected? If they strike gold with that pick in the lottery, it’ll all be worth it, potentially.
Big fan of the sound effects all around.
Yeah. Welsh-Ryan is currently being renovated, so non-revenue Northwestern sports will sometimes play there. Plus, enrollment at ETHS is close to 3,000, so there will be plenty of people who want to watch.
Something I’ve noticed in this highlight reel is how good Lou’s passing is. His chemistry with his teammates, especially with his big men, is wonderful. He can pour in a ton of points, but he’s definitely not ball-hogging.
Nah I think that’s why he picked LMA.
To never stop posting.