Technicolor Jan Stenerud

I’ve been a regular here since 2006. My social circle doesn’t really allow many opportunities to talk sports so I treasured that this was THE place that allowed for my dumbass jokes and ridiculous takes to be heard (and even then, there were better comments made by better people).

Every man has two deaths, when he is buried in the ground and the last time someone says his name. In some ways men can be immortal. - Ernest Hemingway

How strange to see comments here...

no booze is fine, you are right. What is not fine is making people wear heels and then pay for booze. That is rude

even though its almost 40 years old, that song doesn’t get enough love.

I recently took my dad to see Bob Seger and the Silver Bullet Band and even at 92 years old (or whatever) he still rocked. He should be, like, No. 40 or something.

Billy Joel is the autoplay Farmers Insurance ad of rock radio.

I feel like there is more to this family.

Now starting at Left Tackle...Pierre Delecto.

Instead of empty stadiums, ban home games entirely.  Every game on the road.  Fuck em all. 

If they wanted to historically accurate re-enactors, they would have had the Soviet team on the field instead of the British. 

Thanks for flagging that, it’s been fixed.

What you’re describing is called Leveraging. Leveraging is part of the rule and is considered action that’s prohibited as it’s basically just as dangerous as leaping.

Feel free to get pedantic about other penalties I failed to mention in the comments.

Let he who is without sin cast the first stone 10 feet over thine head

My girlfriend’s sister had mono when we were all in college. I was terrified I’d get it because my girlfriend was the super jealous type and she would have accused me of kissing her sister or something. And the last thing I’d want is my girlfriend yelling at me because then my wife would find out.

I’m surprised Bret Stephens would even to go to a baseball game.

Taking the Army to multiple overtimes is a fun tribute to the war in Afghanistan

“Nation that hasn’t won jack since 1966 wonders what it’s like”