Technicolor Jan Stenerud

Palestinians are Semites you twit.

My wife told me about this comment and I just wanted to pop in and say that it’s great.

He’s 37 now, he’ll hit 3,000 hits next year (most likely), and if he stays relatively healthy until 40, he should make 500 HRs with little problem. So yeah, first ballot as long as Andrus gets to give a speech.

Now playing

For the anti-capitalists/anti-consumerists in the room, I present to you one of the best songs of the century to date: Johnny Boy’s “You Are The Generation That Bought More Shoes And You Get What Deserve”

Thirsty Thursdays, man. Good times.

The hits to the groin - termed “unnatural acts” by the league

Holy shit did the O’s ever get fleeced on that one.

I’m a big fan of the double entendre, there, though.

I dunno, looks rather Immaculate to me.

I didn’t know Tommy pitched. Greg Maddux was the master of that, though.

Because no one in the Blue Jackets’ front office has any idea what they’re doing.

This is COMPLETELY my shit.

Fuck man, I can’t suggest anything better than this song. Good on you, Diana.

He’ll be playing on Thursdays, too, in an effort to vary the torture schedule.

High Fidelity holds up very well as a Chicago movie, though with each viewing, all the characters (especially John Cusack’s) get less and less likable.

Yet, this is exactly what the referee told Northwestern QB Clayton Thorson after the game went final. It was a mindnumbingly-insane call.

But also good.