Technicolor Jan Stenerud

@Dieter: That's like when I had my wisdoms out when I was 15 and didn't even get codeine.

nice homiletics there from hockalee.

the eyebrows always look at you, no matter where you are in the room.

@David Hume: he's not fooling anyone when he says he's allergic to latex.

fuck lions eat pit lizards a dozen at a time.

The hardest part will be cleaning those stains out of the curtains. No one ever remembers to pre-treat with Simple Green.

o/u on episodes before sapp slaps misty's butt: 2.

Good thing school starts in Highland Park soon.

Idiots. You clearly need a straw if you're gonna drink with the helmet on. Duh.

@HebrewHammer: Rick Mahorn can give them a shove in the right direction.

If Shawn Kemp gets all his kids to donate, McCain might pull even in the available funds race.

Beijing has set up a sex determination lab to test female Olympic athletes suspected to be males.

Wilt Chamberlain is not impressed on so many levels.

For a second there I thought Camby was playing for the Globetrotters now.

Boy, does that kid ever look sheepish.

Why the life vest? I was always taught that fat floats...