@Bob Sheppards Flock: damn.
@Bob Sheppards Flock: damn.
His mother must be so proud.
Malort is the cure for what ails you, if life is what ails you.
@The Fan's Attic: A-Rod?
@Off The Baggie: France?
@Ray: The Pink Taco.
Definition of class from the guys in purple.
When did Little Richard start pitching for the D-Backs?
@OhTheHugeManatee: I don't know what that means so I'm going to say "yes".
I think every ManU fan under the sun would argue with the top spot on this list.
Ookie is not impressed with their skills of concealment.
this is the most post i've seen so far here today.
I want to see Phillies' fans boo Jesus.
Cubs in 3.
Rocks in 4.
@Big Daddy Drew: Will she accept payment in the popcorn trick?
are mustache rides with the balls complimentary?
no, dude, dude, dude, dude, gay
From now on it's the Penn State Nitpicky Lions.
@Fios: amen.