Technicolor Jan Stenerud

What you missed while forgetting how to spell the adverbial form of "too".

the new chinese democracy leaks are not encouraging

@Newspaper Hack: Huth also took a shot to the stones and was on his feet in 60 seconds. Ronaldo is a little bitch.

Let's hope it does turn into his "Mission: Accomplished" moment.

she's standing there like she has no idea what's going on. kind of like any girl i get with.

seriously, nothing says "important NBA game" like Roundball Rock. Christmas was made sweeter just a little bit during my adolescence when that song serenaded an Orlando team people gave two shits about.

Prince Fielder would like to remind all of you that you don't have to be beautiful to be his girl.

missing adjective in the 1st paragraph?

also, the top banner is informing me that rush released a new album yesterday. another reason i should not have left my bed this morning.

i just can't believe that the scousers won that game without mr. spaghetti legs. %*#$ing liverpool.


@Sarge: and the cubs?

everyone all together now:

@ sasser's right arm: WELL PLAYED.

the jeff blake bengals jersey is still a staple of sunday afternoons for TJS.

@gmschmidty: you mean, "The Lion Sleeps Tonight"? If so, yes.

What you missed while your friends gasped and gawked at the sutures in your head...