Eric Cartman thinks Stu is an amateur.
@BigTenObsession: Definitely two "a"s for your 'ludes.
Zizou - want to get away? There's always the Aussie A-League! Anyone?
Oh, that crazy cult of Torsten, always on the Frings.
Should've asked if Barbaro was in the feed truck.
Dave Shula, anyone?
that is what hard feels like. boom.
This has me thinking...
this will not be the end of the GWAR tag, so help me.
Bozeman also insisted on being called "Sam I Am"
So, did Prince share a Snickers with everyone in Miami after the halftime show? Because that's what everyone i was with wanted to do.
I liked this way better when it was the video for "California Love"
Forgetting names? Missing appointments? Greenies?
Boston definitely got spanked with moon rocks yesterday.
A schooner IS a sailboat, stupidhead.
it's time that we stopped letting osteoporotics referee high-profile games. what a seymour.
Every time he introduces himself on ABC, I want him to say, "Hello, this is the hibachi speaking." It will be the new "Hello, I'm Johnny Cash," I call that right now.
Honcho got there before I could, well done with the p.p. arnold reference.
Bainard Honore is here for all services nasty and dirty.