Technicolor Jan Stenerud

Is it me or does Farrakhan look like the lovechild of Jay-Z and (Fat) Ronaldo?

It's technically not nudity if he's wearing a helmet.

44 — "Yakety Sax" or "Entrance of the Gladiators"?

Please tell me that Garey will answer with the "Glasgow Kiss".

Tuffy - Sorry to mensch, but Beckham's already earned caps (international appearances) with Inger-land, so he's unable to play for the States even if he naturalizes.

Anyone else think the Mavs are on greenies?

If anyone's up for discussing 20th Century political theory, I have some expertise there, too.

Go figure that the resident actor around here has to be swamped with work on the day of the musicals discussion.

And he asked Jane Doe #4 if she knew the capital of Thailand.

Does this mean we can call Frederic Weis the Maginot Line?

nice marmot...

I think Boise State could take Florida, or at least confuse them with their uniforms.

buckeye tree leaves, supposedly.

vic- did she not put the lotion in the basket?

that linebacker didn't watch the tape from the refs at the OSU/UMich game

did the bucks get the eli manning girl to play QB?

i've not been to Jersey since i was 6 (18 years ago), but it didn't smell anywhere near as bad as Gary, IN or Portsmouth, OH.

What is this Ohio State game you speak of?

In my mind, they still have nothing on my alma mater's past football woes. Go 'Cats.

Why does it hurt when i pee?