
Truck driver here and fuck all these whiny babies who don't want to be required to eat their vegetables. My company has all freight to Canada embargoed right now because of this nonsense. They can kiss my fully vaccinated and boosted ass. I work with a bunch of anti government types who won't get the shot but they are

these people are not Truckers. They just happen to have trucks. Something like 90% of truckers are vaxxed, and want nothing to do with these people. THE largest unions and companies, and the lobbying arm have all come out strongly against these people.

But see they are supported by millions, nay, BILLIONS of patriots! Ready to stand and fight against getting a shot!!!

Something that frustrates me (and tons of the replies to your comment speak to this exactly) is when non-Americans laugh with glee because Americans are apparently delusional or oblivious to how shitty things are. We’re not.

Americans have NO clue how bad their standard of living is. None.

Not just an injury. Giving birth is be prohibitively expensive. Upwards of $10-15,000 to deliver a baby.

Having to wear a seatbelt is like being in the holocaust and getting gassed.

can I join the CA suit since I drive on the same roads as the morons that trust their tesla to drive for them?

Much to the dismay of millions.

Thank you! I was not aware of that ad, but holy hell is that hilarious.

and it’s an accurate portrayal of people who get these or any unwanted exercise equipment as gifts.

The pearl clutching over that ad was absolutely ridiculous.  

My Volvo has one of these, added by the previous owner. Though I usually buckle my takeaway into the passenger seat instead, as most takeaway here is in plain brown bags with no handles to hang on a hook.

That was my first reaction too

I really like that they specifically named it the ‘curry hook’. I’m going to stick one in the Volt! 

Exactly this. It’s why the red hats are very much in favor of laws keeping municipal broadband from happening.

I wish they hadn’t said anything. Just let these idiots kill themselves off.

This is basically a Norwegian prison, except the dorm’s rooms are smaller and the students don’t get their own shower or window.

There isn’t binary logic in the decision path that would decide to kill one person vs another. The software will never sacrifice somebody, because it doesn’t work that way. It works in less-obviously deterministic ways. Ways that produce far less satisfying explanations of “why.”